Chapter Forty-three: rejection

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Frost's POV

   Lynn walked into the classroom with a big grin plastered on his face. His signature victorious grin. What did he do? Humph, not my problem. My problem was my mate sitting close to a guy that wasn't me. They were secretly flirting with each other, not caring about anyone else, well, not that I cared when I did that too but still, it's Rafaelia we are talking about. I sighed loudly, earning a few stares. I ignored them, slouching on the chair.

   "You know this is your fault, right?" Ayden whispered calmly. I sighed again. Okay, I admit he knew about the mate thing but thought it was best that we sort out our own issues. Ayden loved his sister but he wasn't the kind of person that likes getting involved with people's issues. He only cared about provoking people. Thank goddess he wasn't Aaron. If Aaron was the one who knew I was hurting his sister, my head would have been detached from my body a long time ago, first-level assassination. He's overprotective and he hates me more than he hates his twin.

   "Help me a little," I pleaded.

   "Why should I help you? You do realize that the girl in question is my sister, right? Why should I help you hurt her even more?"

   "Because you love me and I'm the only one who understands what it means to be annoying," I pleaded, giving him my puppy eyes, or rather, I call them ‘wolf eyes’.

   Ayden threw his head back and groaned, but he gave in. "You better fix this," he said chidingly, then looked at Raf and Fabian with dark eyes and a stern look on his face. "Raf," he barked authoritatively. Raf jerked and immediately turned her attention to him, looking at him over her shoulder. "Come here,"

   "Why?" She asked stubbornly.

   "What did you say?" He asked with his "dare me" tone. Whenever he switches to big brother mode, he's worse than Aaron. Thank goodness he only used that seldom.

   "But I wanna s…"


   "Ayden, I d…"

   "Four," she stood up, muttering, and came to us. Lynn and I sat together today while Ayden sat next to me as usual. Aida and Mila shared a seat, and Merlynn sat alone, with no sign of Krystal. Then Raf sat with Fabian. "Hey goatee, stand up," he ordered the boy in front. He stood up with no questions asked and went to sit with Fabe. "Now sit there," I hid my smile as Raf grudgingly sat down. That's settled for now.


   Krystal was nowhere to be found and I was getting worried. Where exactly could she have gone? Aida said she left with Lynn before classes began, and Lynn said he left her alone after they finished talking. Where is she? What did they talk about? He wouldn't tell. I knew it had something to do with them being soulmates, and I had a hint that she must be upset.

   "Relax, I'm sure she's fine," Lynn assured me for the umpteenth time. I turned my head to him to glare at him but saw the mark I hadn't noticed before. I'd been so occupied with Raf that I didn't realize how his scent had changed a bit and didn't notice the fucking mark on his neck. That's not possible. Krystal will never mark Merlynn just like that except if I've read her wrong. Lynn felt my stare and turned his head to look at me. He smirked when he saw what I was looking at. He brought his hand to his neck and pressed his index finger on the beautiful puncture starting to form its mating tattoo. A small exaggerated and taunting moan left his mouth, then he pulled his hand away and returned it to his burger, smirked lopsidedly, and went back to eating.

I didn't need words to understand that he was mocking me.

   I thought he was worse than I was. I thought Merlynn was going to deny Krystal more than I denied Raf, but to think that he accepted her only after twenty-four hours was dumbfounding. And the fact that Krystal accepted him. It's true what they say, you can never fully understand and trust someone.

   I gritted my teeth and looked ahead. "She needs a phone,"

   "Did you ask if she had one?" He scoffed. "What's with you and her anyway? Do you like her or something?"

    "Something, that's for sure," I replied just to get back at him. He let out a bigger scoff. "What? Afraid I'll steal her from you?"

   "Shit ass, while you're busy thinking about someone else's mate, you should worry about yours that's about to be snatched away, prick," he said spitefully, inclining his head toward the doors. I turned my head and I instantly regretted it. Fabian and Raf were walking into the cafeteria, holding hands as if they were a couple. Their entrance caused murmurs to rise among the students. I folded my hands into fists and forced down the growl in my throat. I knew Raf more than I knew myself so I knew she wasn't dating Fabian, she was just trying to make me jealous and she was succeeding. Even if I knew it was a trap, I couldn't contain my jealousy.

   Lynn snickered. "Now who's in a worse situation, me or you?"

   "She's just trying to make me jealous," I said between my teeth.

   "And it's working like a charm, isn't it, Silvia?" He taunted. I ignored what he was saying and kept my thoughts focused on my mate and my next victim.

   They sat down. Well, he sat next to Aida and she sat on his lap. Ayden chortled, patting my back consolingly or rather, mockingly, while Lynn bit his lip to suppress a laugh. Of course, he's enjoying this. Aida gave me a creepy smile while Lunaria smirked at me. D-Twins and Mila were trying their best not to sneer directly at me. Okay, what is this conspiracy all about?!

   "Fabe, since when did you two start dating?" Mila's loud mouth asked.

   "Since love found us," that stupid twat said. They weren't even trying to hide the fact that they were faking it. It was written all over their faces and visible in their body language. Raf was stiff like she always was when being touched by a guy. Fabian looked like he would rather bury his face in his mother's poisonous garlic mushroom soup than be here. Still, it was driving me nuts.

«Keep it together, Frost.» I encouraged myself.

«Keep what together?! That's our mate!» My wolf roared, pacing back and forth in my head.

   "I don't believe you are dating, you are not mates," Ayden said slyly, not even hiding the fact that he was smirking at me because he knows something. Well, I guess there was no use pretending anymore since Raf already figured it out.

   "Yes, but we are trying this relationship thing. Remember I'm not a vampire or werewolf. And vampires don't always find their beloved." Raf replied calmly.

   "So, Fabian, you don't wish to find your—"

   "I will forever long for one, but for now, I'm dedicating my focus on Raf,"

   "Prove it," Ayden blurted out, unflurried. "Prove that my reserve sister is into you," maybe it was payback for the pain I'd caused his sister, or maybe he was just trying to provoke me like he loves doing to everyone. Still, proof meant more physical contact and he knew I couldn't handle it. "What are you waiting for?"

   "I don't think they need to," I said distraughtly.

   "Oh, they need to," he smirked. I gave him a pleading look but annoying Ayden listened to no one.

   "Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss," he chanted, and soon, the whole cafeteria was encouraging his childishness. I glared dagger at Fabian, silently warning him not to kiss her but he shrugged, smirked at me, and kissed her anyway.

«How dare he!!!» I roared in unison with my wolf, and one of my eyes rolled into the back of my head and was replaced with his. It was like frostbite eating through my veins and crawling over my skin. My heart squeezed tightly and cold fogs puffed out of my nostrils and ears. All I could see was red.

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