p r o l o g u e

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So, this is how I'm sitting here again, straddling his lap, with my arms wrapped securely around his neck, foreheads pressed together.

I can't help it. Although it would be better for everyone involved, I can't say no to him.

He wraps his hand around my neck, pressing our lips together, molding them together in a passionate kiss.

But something is different. More than ever, I can feel the cold metal on his ring finger as his hand is wrapped around my neck. At that moment, I become all the more aware of the significance of the piece of jewelry on his finger. Usually, he would take it off around me, but not today.

And there's something else. I can feel his guilt while he's kissing me and to be honest, I feel it too.

His guilt and consciousness that's telling him he should be somewhere else right now, be with his wife, and mine that's making me feel like hell because I'm doing this, while a friend is suffering.

We knew from the beginning, that what we're doing is risky. It could ruin everything, and we could lose everything. Ruin a marriage, ruin a friendship, lose our reputations, friends, jobs and families. But we couldn't help it. I never wanted to be the other woman. But we fell in love, and there was no going back.

It's Complicated (OC x Yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now