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Exes and Favors


"You've got to be kidding me!" I curse under my breath as I step out of my car and drop my keys, together with a few supplies I just got from the supermarket on my way home. This day really can't get any worse, I think as I watch the oranges roll away from me.

On my way to work this morning, I was surprised by pouring rain. Joke's on me for forgetting my umbrella at home. Of course, I didn't find a parking lot close to the building, which made me run all the way from the car to the dry Lobby. I arrived at work soaking wet and heavily breathing. The professional look I chose specifically for the important meeting with the senior partner of my law firm today was totally ruined.

I'm the head of our marketing team and we've been working weeks on the new flyer for our law firm. Me and my team were excited to present our work. Nobody expected it to get rejected by the senior partner. Weeks of work for nothing and we need to start all over again. It's more than frustrating.

I step out of the elevator and walk down the hallway towards my apartment. I want nothing more than a hot bath, a cold glass of wine and some comfort food to forget about this day.

But what you want and what you get isn't always the same. I stop in my tracks when I see a figure leaning next to my apartment door.

"God no. Who let you into the building?" I groan and walk towards him. He's the last person I want to see.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" I want to punch that stupid smirk off his face.

"No. Didn't I make that clear the last time you ambushed me in front of my work building?"

"Come on Danbi. Let's talk about it. I told you it was a mistake."

I smile sweetly at him. "Yeah, and I told you I didn't care. You wanted to be exclusive. Being exclusive doesn't contain sleeping with other people. At least not in my definition. I'll tell you one last time, please leave me alone. I'm sick of you showing up, everywhere I go. Take a hint, Jae."

I push him to the side and enter my apartment. The moment he tries to follow me in, I slam the door shut in his face. I don't even let the banging on my door face me. He will stop eventually. He at least did the last times this happened.

Jae and I were dating for about a year. We met at a bar, when I was out with my friend Areum. His smile was enticing. He was so charming and nice. Areum convinced me to just go for it. So, I did. We casually dated for a while and after a month of that we decided to be exclusive. I found out that he cheated on me about a year later.

How I did find out is actually a funny story. He was dumb enough to accidentally text me, instead of the woman he cheated on me with. I wouldn't say he was the love of my life, but I really liked him. Another waste of time. My dating life is really a joke.

I sigh while I put the groceries in the fridge. Soaking in the bathtub sounds like a good option to go for first. I take a glass of wine, fill the tub with hot water and bubbles smelling like macadamia and vanilla and connect my phone to the smart system in my bathroom, turning on some music.

After a few minutes of relaxing into the bath, the calm music is interrupted by my ringtone. I glance at my phone and read Jin's name. I smile to myself as I answer the call through voice control. Jin's voice fills the room through the loudspeakers in the corner.

"Hey, how are you?"

"Great. I arrived at work soaked to the underwear, the flyer we've been working on for weeks got rejected, gravity's not on my side today, oh yeah and my stupid ex decided to show up in front of my apartment...again. Please tell me something good, I need it."

I hear a chuckle on the other end of the line.

"Why is everyone around me having bad days? I'm doing fine, thanks for asking." I roll my eyes at his reply.

"Good for you, Jin. Why are you calling? To rub it in my face?" I chuckle.

"I'm actually calling to ask you a favor." I gulp.

The last time he asked me a favor, I was waiting on tables in his restaurant, because one of his waiters quit, two other ones were sick, and two were on vacation. This reminded me, of why I didn't choose a career in service. My feet were killing me, most of the customers were assholes. At least Jin paid me with a dinner. Jin's cooking could make up for a lot.

"As long as it doesn't contain me being a waitress. Tell me more."

"Have you ever heard of Kim Enterprises?" This sparks my interest.

"Of course I did, why are you asking?"

"Have I ever told you that I'm childhood friends with their CFO?"

I sit up straight in the tub, nearly choking on the sip of wine I just took. "Are you kidding me? Their business is huge."

"Yes, it is. And they are in trouble. You might be able to help."

"How so?"

"They have trouble with a client and had to part ways with the law firm they were working with. They're searching for a new law firm to work with. I told my friend that I might know someone."

That could be the perfect opportunity to make up for the failed project. An important client like Kim Enterprises would be a great deal for our law firm. As the head of our marketing department, I'm not only responsible for our representation outside of the office, company events and our online and social media appearance, but also for winning new clients.

"I have to warn you though. Yoongi told me that the case isn't easy. He got rejected by a few law firms already." I lightly groan. I knew this sounded too good to be true.

I think for a second and make a decision. "You know what. Ask that friend of yours if he is free tomorrow evening. I'll call Namjoon and bring him with me, he can read over the case and evaluate if we should take them as our clients. Let's meet up at your restaurant. Just text me if it works for your friend."

"You're the best. I owe you." I grin at his cheekiness.

"You always do. See you tomorrow."

I hang up and get out of the bathtub. Jin and I studied together. We met at orientation week at university, quickly finding out, that we were studying the same, and never let go of each other ever since.

While Jin opened his own restaurant, the 'Jin's', I got accepted at a renowned law firm and worked hard to be promoted as head of marketing. We always help each other, no matter what the other is asking. Next to Areum and my little brother, Jin is the person I can rely on the most.

As I'm walking to the kitchen, I smile at the picture that shows us in front of his restaurant the day he opened it. We're standing in front of the entrance, smiling brightly at the camera. He might just save my ass once again.

I already texted Namjoon and he told me he would be there to go over the file. Namjoon is a lawyer at the law firm I work at. We met there and went to grab drinks outside of work occasionally. He became a good friend of mine and is definitely one of the best lawyers I know. I saw him at court a few times, he is impressive. It's like he had two different personas inside and outside of work. Fierce lawyer by day, soft and kind teddy bear by night.

My phone pings as I'm putting my food inside the oven.

8:26 PM

Yoongi is free tomorrow evening.
I reserved a table for you at 8 PM.
Don't be late ;)
Good night!

8:29 PM

I'm never late...
Namjoon will be there too.
See you tomorrow :)

I'm really curious to meet Jin's friend. He mentioned him a few times before and I know he is still close to his childhood friend. I never met him though, and foremost I had no idea that he has a leading position in such a big company. I just hope this will work out. It could benefit my law firm as much as it could benefit his company.

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