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Encounters and Unpleasantries


It's one of those evenings, most of our friends are free to meet. We try to fit in such an evening every once in a while. We usually meet at our favorite bar or Jin's, having a few drinks and catch up.

Sadly Jin couldn't make it, he's still at the restaurant, but everyone else is there and our group is growing. Areum is there, accompanied by Minho and the two of them look head over heels for each other. Jungkook has the girl he's been dating for the last month with him. She's a cute girl and she's a bit shy, but she and Jungkook look really cute together.

What makes me feel sick is seeing Yoongi with Ahri. I know it's uncalled for and I have no right to be jealous. In the end they're the ones who are married. I also knew that I might find myself in that situation sooner or later. I just didn't expect it to be so soon.

But still, we share the same group of friends and it isn't the first time we're all together. But to act like everything is fine and I don't have feelings for the man who's standing at the bar with his wife overwhelms me more than I thought.

I think Tae notices because he's goofing around more than usual. Nobody else notices my mood though, or they just don't act on it. I don't even think I'm that obvious.

We manage to get a booth where all of us can fit into and I'm squeezed between Namjoon and Yoongi, with Ahri on his other side. It's just an overall weird situation.

Still, I try to not let it show and act like I always do, and it works for the rest of the evening. I nearly forget about it until Namjoon asks me if we should get out of there.

The booth is so jam-full with all of us, that my thighs are touching Yoongi's and Namjoon's on either side. I feel Yoongi's thigh clench next to me, indicating that he heard what Namjoon just said.

I dare to look in his direction for a second and he seems unfazed at first glance, but if you look closer you can see that his jaw's slightly tensed.

A bunch of thoughts are running through my mind once I see this. I feel a slight pang of anger, because as uncalled as it is for me to be jealous when I see him with Ahri, as uncalled it is for him to feel jealous when he sees me with Namjoon. In the end we're not in a committed relationship. Yoongi's married and I'm officially single. At least for outsiders.

The realization of that ruins my mood once again. Yes, I try not think about it, but I can't help it. It's the only thing on my mind lately. Of course, I can't stop thinking about what could go wrong and what I was thinking to agree to all of this.

But seeing such a reaction from Yoongi makes me also happy. Jealousy says a lot about one's feelings for someone. As soon as there's jealousy, you can't deny that there are any.

I realize that it takes me too long to answer when Namjoon nudges my knee with his and leans in closer.

"Are you alright?" He asks, brows furrowed.

I just smile lightly at him. "Just feeling a bit off. Not today, okay?" I lie, feeling slightly bad for doing so.

I feel a squeeze on my knee. I'm surprised when I see Namjoon's hands still on the table and on the backrest behind my back. I never expected Yoongi to do something risky. But who would notice it? They would have to crawl underneath the table to notice. Still, I have to get out of this situation, even if it's just for a few minutes.

"Can you let me out for a second? I need to go to the restrooms." I ask towards Namjoon and feel the warmth leave my leg at the same time.

As I get out of the booth and walk away towards the toilettes, I feel someone link their arm with mine. I look over, seeing Areum smile at me.

It's Complicated (OC x Yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now