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Parents and Teamwork


The lights of the house are on when I arrive at my parent's home. They bought the house after Kim Enterprises officially bought my father's company. Although it's just the two of them and their two dogs, the house is bigger than the one I grew up in. Doesn't make sense to me, but Dad says it's an investment.

I let myself into the house, but my mom shoots out of the kitchen like a bullet as she hears the door, followed by the two Labradors, who immediately sniff me, wagging their tails happily.

I pet Namu and Nuri and hug my mother, who already holds her arms open for me.

"Happy Birthday my love. I can't believe you're 30 now. I'm getting old."

"Nonsense Mom. You don't age." I say, patting her shoulder.

I follow her into the kitchen, followed by Namu and Nuri, who both go straight to their beds, their usual spots. It already smells delicious in the kitchen and I notice my mom made most of my favorite food.

"Honey, can you prepare the table for me?" I nod and put all we need on the table. I'm just done when my father enters the dining room.

He walks towards me with a big smile. "Ah, happy birthday my son. I opened the good bottle of whiskey for you. Do you want one?"

"Thanks Dad. Sure, won't say no to a good whiskey." I grin, watching him walk towards the small bar.

We empty a glass each until my mom is finished in the kitchen and gets me to help her putting all the food on the table. We sit down at the table, all digging into the tasty food. Nobody can compare to my mom's cooking. Not even Jin. Although I love his food, mom's will always be the best for me.

"It's delicious, Mom. Thanks for the food." She gives me a warm smile, patting my hand.

"You're welcome, honey. Where's Ahri by the way? We haven't seen her in a while." She asks.

I can always be honest with my parents, I just don't want to concern them, so I decide to be vague.

"She's at home." I say, not looking up from my plate.

"Is everything alright with the two of you? Are you fighting?" My mom asks further.

I frown, thinking about what I should answer, but both of my parents already see the face I'm making.

"It's alright son, every couple fights sometimes. Even your mother and I." My dad tries to encourage me to talk, but all I can offer him is a small smile that doesn't reach my eyes.

"Can I be honest with you?" I ask, looking at both of them.

"Of course honey, you always can." My mom tells me.

"We've been struggling for months now, and we've been fighting a lot. I don't want to stress you out, but we're really not in a good place right now."

"What have you been fighting about?"

"Same old. Ahri wants a child, preferably tomorrow, and I'm not ready, but she thinks it has to be now, because she's turning 30 in a few months."

I'm sick of the topic to be honest. One more reason, I'm glad to have Danbi back. She's really my safe space, my escape.

"I really don't want to talk about it." I add, taking a sip of my Whiskey, which my dad refilled in the meantime.

"I understand. Let me just say one thing. There's plenty of time and opportunities. I would be so happy if you make me a grandmother one day, but the emphasis is on one day. If you're not ready, it's not the right thing to do."

It's Complicated (OC x Yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now