s i x t e e n

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Morning Breath and Pillow Talks


It's nearly 1 pm when I wake up and it's the first time I wake up and feel well rested in weeks.

Yoongi is still asleep. I can tell by the deep frequent breaths I feel on my neck. Sometime during the night, we must have changed positions, because he's spooning me now. His hand pushed up my top and is now resting on my stomach. We're nearly lying completely on my side of the bed.

My side of the bed. Up until last night this was simply my bed, now I have a side apparently. Not that I could have a side in his bed...

"I can literally hear you thinking."  He mumbles into my hair with his deep, raspy morning voice.

I smile and stroke his hand, that still doesn't move from my belly.

"Are you alright?" He asks before leaving little kisses all over my neck, tickling me with it.

"Mhm. Just trying to figure out if I should complain, how much space you take."

He releases a little chuckle and pulls me closer to him at the same time. "If this is a try to get rid of me, it doesn't work."

His fingers are drawing little figures across my skin, but I don't miss that he goes lower with every stroke. Before he can reach the waistline of my shorts, I take his hand in mine, stopping him.

"What, I'm sober now." He says as he frees his hand from my grip, sliding his fingers over my skin to my hips, resting his hand there.

"Look at me."

I oblige, turning my head to look at him. Sleep's still evident in his eyes as he smiles at me, his hand's still caressing the curve of my hip.

"You know I meant everything I told you last night. I might have been drunk, but the alcohol just gave me the courage to tell you what I already wanted to tell you the last time, alright?"

I nod and smile at him. He leans in to kiss me, but I pull my head back to avoid his kiss, which makes him frown. "What? Did you change your mind?"

I shake my head, putting a hand over my mouth. "No. Morning Breath." My voice is muffled by my own hand, but the grin on his face shows me that he understands regardless.

I turn my head back, but he quickly grabs my chin and turns my head back towards him.

"I don't care." He says before pressing his mouth to mine. I pull my head back again, giggling.

"Ugh, Yoongi!" He isn't having it though. He turns me around and buries me under him in seconds.

My legs naturally fall to both sides of his hips, having him between my legs. Only the light fabric of my shorts and his boxers are separating us. His groin presses into me, making me let out a small moan.

He's supporting himself on his forearms when he leans down and starts kissing me again. The kiss turns heated pretty fast as his tongue finds its way into my mouth, exploring and fighting with my own.

He grinds his hips into mine, letting me feel his growing length. I can't believe I'm in this position right now. I've been imagining it for weeks, months even and I'm enjoying every second of it. I'm taking his words to heart, forgetting about everything else. At least for the moment.

He breaks off our kiss, leaving a trail of wet and sloppy kisses down my jaw towards my neck. One of his hands slides the strap of my top down my shoulder, while he's sucking on a sensitive spot between my shoulder and collarbone.

It's Complicated (OC x Yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now