t w e n t y - e i g h t

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Family and Progress

August 2022


It was a few days ago that Jungkook called me to his office, presenting me the divorce papers he was working on for months. He finally found a way for me to get out of my marriage with as less damage as possible for me and my parents. I just hope Ahri will sign them. I don't anticipate telling her at all, but it's time.

Anyways, before I'll tell Ahri, I have to tell my parents. They deserve to know what's going to happen before everything goes down the drain, simply out of respect. This will affect them too.

That's the reason why I'm currently sitting in my parents' dining room, nervously thinking how I'm going to tell them, the divorce papers weighing down heavily in my briefcase. I think Namu noticed my nervousness, because ever since I arrived, he hasn't left my side, currently lying on the floor next me, his head resting on my foot.

"Why the surprise visit, son?" My father asks as he enters the dining room, making Nuri run towards him, licking his hand, greeting him.

Soon after my father, my mother comes into the room with some food she started making as soon as I arrived. She wasn't short of complaining that I didn't tell her beforehand and that's exactly what she's telling my father right now.

I sigh and wait for them to sit down opposite of me before I just rip it off like a plaster. "I decided to get a divorce. My lawyer has been working on the papers for a while now and handed them over to me today. I just wanted to tell you first, because although we tried everything to avoid this, it will affect you. I just can't do this anymore. I'm not happy and Ahri isn't happy because I can't act like this marriage means anything to me anymore. I'm sorry I failed you."

I ramble all of this with my gaze fixed on my plate, the untouched food in front of me getting cold, while it's waiting to be eaten. I'm afraid to look up and see the disappointment in their eyes. I'd do anything for my parents, but I failed them. I finally get the courage to look up and am surprised that I'm not met with disappointment.

"You never failed us, darling. We love you so much. We would never want you unhappy with your life just for the sake of us having a good one. If this makes you happy than we have your back."

My mother's words and eyes hold so much love for me that I have to swallow the lump in my throat. My father looks at me in a similar way.

"To be honest, we saw this coming ever since we talked about this on your birthday and it's ok. We're still proud of you. I've told you before, this won't ruin us."

I couldn't stop the lone tear from escaping my eye and I'm fast to wipe it away, giving my parents a genuine smile. They can't even imagine the heavy weight that was just lifted from my shoulders. Telling my parents wasn't the most difficult part, but it was something I dreaded, no matter what my father told me back in March.

"Let's just eat what your mother made. You know how much she hates if she can't prepare anything for you."

I chuckle, thankful that we don't have to talk about this more than necessary. Everything was said. "Everything you make is great, mom. Thank you for the food." I tell her, before I dig in.

After the first few bites, our conversation is interrupted by my phone vibrating on the table. I see that I got a message from Danbi, but I wait to check it until we're done eating.

7:47 PM

My parents just left.
I think I'll dream about seeing my dad
play golf with Jimin. That was weird.
You should have seen Tae's face,
when my dad used him as their personal Caddy...

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