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Gin Tonics and Birthday Cakes

March 2022


I'm staring at my phone yet again. I'm doing that a lot lately. She never answers any of my texts. Or the calls. I once was even desperate enough to take her out for lunch and showed up at her workplace, but she didn't even talk to me. She just sent her assistant to tell me she was in a meeting. I miss her. Not just as a friend.

The text I sent her last, is unanswered, like all the other texts I've sent her.

3:56 PM

I know you probably won't answer
I just wanted to tell you that I'll celebrate my birthday this Friday.
Just having a few drinks with the usual at our favorite bar.
I would really like to have you there.
I miss you...let's talk

I don't even know if she reads the texts, I'm sending her. Not that they're really deep, mostly they consist of me begging her to talk to me, or asking her to at least tell me, that she's okay. Mostly they're pathetic.

Ahri's and my relationship is getting slightly better. At least we're talking from time to time and sleeping in the same bed again, but that is all we did. I'm supposed to have a bad conscience for chasing after another woman while being married, but I just don't feel bad. I mostly feel bad because Danbi hasn't talked to me in nearly a month and the silent treatment drives me crazy.

The past months and everything that happened, made me come to the realization that I haven't been happy for a while. Not with my marriage and definitely not with my life. I was just pretending. I just acted like I was content, especially in front of my father in law, but I feel like I'm facing a dead end and I don't know how long I can continue this. And all it took to realize that, was someone new in my life. A woman I didn't know would sweep me off my feet.

Through my talks with Danbi I realized how fucked up my situation truly is. I thought I was happy, but I simply just accepted my situation and adjusted to it.

A knock on my office door pulls me out of my thoughts. Hoseok sticks his head in, giving me one of his bright smiles.

"You're 5 o'clock appointment just cancelled. There's nothing left on the agenda today. Wanna leave and grab some drinks?" He asks.

"What would your boss say, if he knew that you skip work time?" I smirk at him.

"You're my boss, asshole. Let's go." I laugh at his response, turning my computer off. I grab my jacket and close my office door behind me.

"You know I could fire you any second?" I tease, making Hoseok laugh even harder.

"Please do that. You would beg me on your knees to come back after two days. I would love to see that." He's right. I would never give him the satisfaction by telling him though.

It turns out that getting drinks with Hoseok is exactly what I needed to forget about my problems for a while. But the second I'm lying in bed my thoughts won't let me sleep.

All I'm hoping for is that Danbi will stop ignoring me and show up for my birthday on Friday.

All I'm hoping for is that Danbi will stop ignoring me and show up for my birthday on Friday

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