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Talks and Movies

February 2022


1 new message

11:32 AM

Are you free tonight?

12:03 PM

Jin is coming over to my place
to watch some movies.
You wanna join? 😊

12:06 PM

Sure. What time?

12:06 PM

Bring snacks!

12:07 PM


I change into joggers and a hoodie as soon as I get home from work

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I change into joggers and a hoodie as soon as I get home from work. I was never that glad, that it's Friday. Work's really stressful lately. There are a few new projects coming up and I have to coordinate all of them.

I went on a three-day wellness trip with Areum in early January, which was pretty spontaneous, but well needed and I could already use a vacation again. A relaxed movie night is the next best thing.

I'm not surprised to see Jin already sprawled across my sofa, zapping through the TV channels, when I arrive home. I really don't know why I gave my spare key to him. He just shows up whenever he wants.

"What do you want to order?" I ask him as I search through the menus of the various delivery services I use to order from.

"I don't care. You choose. You know I'm not picky." He tells me unfaced, not diverting his attention from the TV.

"Let's wait for Yoongi then, I can't decide between Pizza and Chinese." I see Jin looking at me confused.


"Oh shit, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was so busy at work I just forgot after texting with him. He asked me if I was free tonight and I asked him to join us. I thought you wouldn't mind."

"No, of course not, just surprised that's all. I mean, I know you two are getting lunch together quite often. I didn't know you were that close though." I furrow my eyebrows at his statement.

"We're not that close. We're just getting along well and hang out from time to time." Jin makes a sarcastic sound. "Yeah sure, you're replacing me." I roll my eyes and am about to argue back, but our conversation is ended by the ring of my doorbell.

I gasp when I open the door. Yoongi's standing there in black sweatpants, a black hoodie and a black puffy winter jacket. I never saw him in anything else, than a suit. Black jeans were the most unformal thing I've ever seen him in.

It's Complicated (OC x Yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now