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Assault and Comfort


The following week flies by, making Friday come fast. Other than going to my parents on Sunday, staying overnight because I took Monday off, I'm looking forward to doing absolutely nothing this weekend. Just me, my couch and the series I'm currently binging on Netflix.

But before I can do that, I still have to get through this meeting with my boss and do some grocery shopping. I'm currently sitting in Mr. Kang's office, taking notes in my planner. My assistant Mina is sitting next to me, also scribbling down everything Mr. Kang's saying.

"Last year's summer festivity was great, but we need this year's to be even better. Are there any plans for the location yet?" He asks directed at me.

Although it's only February, I already started planning our summer festivity, we host every year for the clients and friends of the law firm. It's supposed to take place in the middle of June.

I take out the folder I use for planning, turning to the pages with possible locations and place it in front of my boss.

"I was thinking about a botanical garden or a rooftop bar. The botanical garden would be perfect for the summer motto, being surrounded by flowers and water. The advantage of the rooftop bar would be that we don't have to change the location if the weather isn't good. I picked out two possible places, I already sent requests to. What do think?"

He looks through the pictures, considering his options. "I like the idea of the botanical garden, but you're right, if it's raining that day, we would need to have a backup location. That rooftop bar is part of a restaurant, that is one floor below?" He questions, looking up at me.

I nod pointing to the pictures of the restaurant. "If we rent this place, we could do the decorating ourselves. I thought about a lot of plants and flowers, making the rooftop look like a garden. The owner would provide us with food, drinks and service personnel."

He nods contently. "Yes, I like that idea. You have the budget, if you need to stock it up for the decoration, tell me, but try to manage with what we have now."

I nod, marking the location in my folder. I hand him the menu ideas next.

"I thought about having a ten-course menu with meat, vegetarian and vegan options. But instead of sitting down and having it come out, I would serve it as Canapés on small plates. That's the reason for the ten-course menu. The plates will be small, but the people can continue to mingle, they're not bound to any seating arrangements." I explain to him.

"Yes. I like that idea. Which kind of food did you have in mind?" I make a note about the menu, before answering him.

"I don't know yet, sir. I would have to talk with the restaurant about the options. I will let you know, when I have a preselection."

"Good. You should send out the invitations at the end of march at the latest. Is there already a design for the cards and a guest list?"

I shake my head. "Not yet, sir. Mina here is working on the guest list; the rest of my team is currently designing the invitations. I can show you a sample design in about a week."

"Alright. Good work. This should be it for now, let my assistant know if you need anything. I'll see you next week to go over the process. Have a nice weekend." He smiles, handing me back the papers.

"For you too, sir." Mina and I bow, before we leave his office. It's already late afternoon, when we return to our department.

"You can leave for today if you want to. I'll just write down what we discussed and finish everything for today." I tell Mina, taking her notes with me to my office.

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