e p i l o g u e

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Future and Friends

October 2027


„You're buying him what?" I ask Namjoon as he stuffs some more of his steak into his mouth.

"It's a Mini Range Rover. It has a motor, but it's not dangerous for him."

"He's three Namjoon, how is that not dangerous? Ahri is going to kill you."

He shrugs his shoulders, while he finishes his plate. "No, she won't. She will be glad that he's occupied and I'm going to be the favorite uncle. I've had it delivered to their house this morning."

I snort, nearly spitting the last bite of my pasta over the whole table. "Yeah," I laugh. "Good luck with that."

"What, he loves me. He might love Yoongi more right now, but only until he gets my present."

I nod my head. I doubt it, but he doesn't have to know.

"By the way, what did you two get him?"

"It's a surprise." I chuckle, while I pay for our lunch.

Namjoon grunts. "Fine. Don't tell me. But this time you won't outshine me. Can you pick me up tonight? The only way I survive screaming children is with a lot of alcohol."

"You're really living up to that drunk uncle image." I laugh and he shrugs his shoulders.

"Mhm, I just copied you."

I flip him off and earn a confused gaze from someone passing us on the street. Namjoon is still the single member of our friend group. He did have a serious relationship about two years ago, but that didn't end well. Ever since, he mostly had flings.

Areum and Minho just celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary and Hoseok got engaged to his girlfriend. Jin has been dating the same woman for the last two years, being the manager of his restaurant, they shared the same passion for it. Jungkook got married last year, surprising all of us with a spontaneous Vegas wedding after only one year of being together on and off. But they're very happy and still going strong, so no judgement from our side.

Jimin and Tae shocked all of us when they broke up three years ago. They had a lot of differences and it was a hard time for both of them. They were split up for six months until they decided to try again and are happier than ever before right now.

Three years ago today, Ahri gave birth to a sweet little boy. She and Adam have been trying for a while, and she was already talking to her doctor about the possibility of getting a hormonal treatment when she got pregnant the natural way. We managed to repair our friendship and where really close with Areum added to our trio. We were with her and listened to all of her worries, reassuring her time and time again, that it will work and it did in the end.

Liam was the first child in our friend group, followed by Areum and Minho's daughter Soo-min who is a bit over a year old now. Ahri even proudly told Areum and I how she and Adam are trying for another one.

Somehow Yoongi managed to become Liam's favorite uncle. Ahri spends a lot of time at the company with him and the little boy took an immediate liking to him. Kwon is planning to retire in the next two years and Yoongi started to work a lot more alongside him. Kwon is hoping that Liam is willing to take over in the future, so he made sure the man who is going to teach him has a close relationship to his grandson. But Yoongi doesn't mind. He loves Liam and even offers to babysit him from time to time.

Yoongi and I tied the knot in a small and intimate ceremony last year. He proposed nearly three years ago, but we didn't rush anything. The ceremony was beautiful, our location being under blooming cherry trees, the blossoms in full glory, with only our close family and friends. I always wanted to have a spring wedding, and it was perfect. A picture with me in my long-sleeved, flowy dress and Yoongi in his cream colored suit now decoration our living room wall.

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