t w e n t y - f i v e

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City Streets and Hotel Rooms


As always, Hoseok booked me a rental car ahead of my flight. It takes us about forty minutes until we finally get the keys and are led to the rental. The streets are busy, but we make it to the city center in another forty minutes.

I park the car in the underground parking garage of the hotel, which is located right in the bustling center of Tokyo. We leave our luggage in the car, as we can't check in before noon.

I take Danbi out to a place I love to go to whenever I'm here. They serve traditional Japanese breakfast with steamed rice, miso soup, pickled vegetables, grilled fish and more. Danbi's eyes are literally sparkling when she looks at all the food in front of us.

I chuckle and put some of the side dishes on her plate. She digs in and she groans while she's chewing on the food.

"Good?" I ask with a smile.

"So good." She replies while grinning at me. "I was starving."

"Doesn't surprise me. You slept through breakfast on the plane. I didn't want to wake you up. You get cranky when you're tired."

I laugh once I see her glare at me. "I also get cranky when I'm hungry."

"Tell me something I don't know. It's like being stuck between a rock and a hard place."

She gives me a sarcastic smile before she gets up and slaps my arm, then she sits back down with a content smile on her face and continues to eat like nothing happened. She's scary sometimes. But that's what we do, sometimes it's just us teasing each other, like she does every time I show up at her apartment wearing a suit.

We take our time eating breakfast. By the time we leave the restaurant, it's already after noon. It's a great feeling that we don't have to be careful here. I can intertwine our hands without the fear that anybody sees us or recognizes us.

I lead her back to the hotel and she waits in the lobby while I get our luggage and check us in. One of the bellhops brings our luggage to our room and hands us our key cards after he opened the door for us.

I smile at him and thank him, before he leaves with a bow. I look over at Danbi and see her staring at the suite with her mouth slightly open.

"Isn't that a bit much?" She asks, while looking around curiously.

I just shrug my shoulders. "I usually get rooms like this when I have to travel for work."

She turns around and looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Room? That's a whole ass apartment."

I chuckle and get my laptop out of my suitcase and pack it into my briefcase. "Hoseok is the one who books the hotels. I think he just books the same rooms Kwon has, when he travels."

She hums. "The meeting will only take a few hours. I'll be back early tonight. Do you want to go out exploring by yourself a bit?"

She shakes her head and is already taking off the hoodie and sweatpants she's wearing, leaving her in a thin top and her panties. I avert my gaze and continue packing my stuff into my briefcase.

"I'm too tired to go out. I think I will just have a shower and lay down a bit until you get back."

I nod. "Alright. I'll take you out for dinner when I'm back. I already made a reservation. I had to pull a few strings, but I know you'll love it."

She agrees and pulls a few things out of her suitcase before she takes off her top.

"Please tell me you were not without a bra the whole time?"

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