e i g h t e e n

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To care and to be cared for


My workday on Wednesday ends with a call for help from my brother. I already knew he's sick, because Jungkook complained to me about him, every time he saw me in the office today.

I don't blame him though. My brother turns into a whiny, suffering baby when he's sick. He always acts like he's dying from a cold. I blame our mother for that. She always acted like his nurse as soon as he let out a simple cough or just sneezed.

But now with our parents being two hours away from us, helping the sick baby is my job. I still do it gladly. Like my brother is always there for me, I do the same for him.

This is how I end up heading for Tae's and Jungkook's apartment, ingredients for soup and cold medicine in the bags I have with me.

To my surprise Jimin opens the door, looking relieved to see me. I chuckle as I pass him and enter the apartment.

Jimin follows me into the kitchen where I put everything down and fill a pot with water.

"You know I really like him. But this...I think I'm more exhausted than him." Jimin complains, slumping down on one of the barstools they have in their kitchen, laying his head down on his arms.

I give him a pitying smile. "Don't worry, it's just his way to ask for attention. He's desperate for it when he's sick. Our mother smothered him when he was little, he was always her baby, especially when he was sick. If he ever agrees to make things official with you, you can start getting used to it."

He raises his head in panic, his widened eyes staring at me, shocked. Before he can say something, I continue. "Relax. I'll only be one call away. Speaking of the devil, I'm going to have a look at our patient."

When I walk towards the room with the medication in my hands, I already hear the coughing, followed by a groan that's laced with self-pity.

I nearly can't see him when I enter the room. He has the blanket pulled up over his head, and he disappears completely under it. Just a few black, wavy strands are peeking out of the top.

"Hey Tae, how are you feeling?" I ask, hearing the blanket ruffle after a few seconds. His head appears from under there and the first thing I notice is his red nose.

"Hey Rudolph, you're hanging in there?" I smile, earning a frown from him.

"Don't make fun of me, I might be dying." I suppress a chuckle, masking my face with a concerned expression.

I walk towards his bed, sitting down on the edge of it.

"Hmm, let's see." I put my hand flat on his forehead, trying to feel if he has a fever, but his temperature seems to be normal. I nearly have to laugh again at the puppy eyes he's giving me.

"And?" He asks.

"I'm so sorry it looks really bad. But I think if you make it through the following night, you might survive."

He rolls his eyes, making me break out in a fit of giggles. "Don't be dramatic honey. You don't even have a fever. It's only a cold. I'll make you some soup. I brought you medicine and some tea that helps with a sore throat. In two or three days you'll be as good as new, you'll see."

I smile reassuringly at him, stroking my hand through his hair a few times, to free his eyes from the strands.

"Are you going to cuddle with me?" He gives me puppy eyes again, but I shake my head fast.

"Oh no, no. I'm going on a date tomorrow. I'm not going to catch that cold before that."

"Oh?" He looks surprised, raising his eyebrows and tilting his head, not saying his question out loud, in case Jimin can hear us.

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