t w e n t y - t h r e e

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Disappointments and Confrontations


Taehyung is looking at my parents with his mouth open. He's looking like a fish out of water.

Oh God, he's struggling so bad. Poor Jimin doesn't look any better, and he's looking over at Tae in anticipation.

I think about stepping in, but Taehyung starts to speak again. "No...no. Not my business partner. I meant partner in...like my boyfriend."

He stutters a bit, but I can read in his face that he's glad, that he finally got it out. I look over at my parents. My mom loses her genuine smile. It's replaced by a very obvious fake one. My dad doesn't look amused at all.

Taehyung's nervously biting his lip and I see the tears gather slowly in his eyes. I take his hand in mine, squeezing it to comfort him.

"Jimin works in the finance department of Kim Enterprises. He graduated in finance and business." I tell my parents.

"It's really nice to meet you Mrs. and Mr. Kim." Jimin says, putting his thousand karats smile back on.


"I've never seen Tae that happy." I interrupt my mom, giving her a look.

Before anyone else can say something else, a waiter comes by, offering us a dessert. Everyone takes one, but nobody's eating it. I see the little plate shaking in my brother's hand and the sniffle he tries to suppress, but I can still hear from him, nearly breaks my heart.

"I know this must be a shock for you and you didn't expect it at all. But it would mean the world to me, if you could be open about it and accept us. Or if you'd at least try." Tae says with a shaky voice.

My mom takes a deep breath. "Of course, Honey. How about you two visit us for dinner next week?"

Taehyung gives her a thankful smile, quickly nodding his head. "We'll do that mom. Thank you."

He looks over at our dad, but he's just standing there, looking at Tae and Jimin in disbelief.

"Dad?" Taehyung asks with a hopeful voice. But my dad just shakes his head.

"I'm tired, we should head back to the hotel," he says in a cold voice.

"But Dad," I start, but he simply turns around and walks towards the exit of the rooftop terrace.

I stand there with my mouth open. His reaction leaves me back in awe. I mean I didn't expect him to just swallow it, but I also didn't expect this. I see that the tears in Tae's eyes threaten to spill over the edge and I link my arm with his, staying close by his side.

My mom looks at him apologetically. "Visit us next week, he'll come around. I'll make sure of that." She says, before she steps towards Tae and kisses his cheek. "I'll always love you my baby, no matter what."

She lovingly strokes my hair and gives Jimin a smile, before she leaves us and follows our father.

Tae looks up towards the sky with his jaw clenched, trying to get his tears under control. I'm sure he doesn't want to cry in front of all these people. I turn my body, facing him and shake his arm with a smile.

"Heads up, Tae. It could have been worse. Maybe it will take a while, but dad will be okay. I bet mom makes sure about that."

He nods, giving me a small smile. Although it's a sad one, it's a start. "I'll just go and take some photos."

I look at him in concern. "You don't have to do that. You've done enough already. If you feel like it, you can leave with Jimin." I look over at the latter and he also shows a concerned expression. 

It's Complicated (OC x Yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now