t h i r t y

180 16 3

Distance and Abysses


It took me hours to find the right words, to figure out how I'm going to tell her and I'm beyond mad that Jin took the opportunity from me to tell her myself.

"Ahri listen..." I start, not really sure yet how to continue, but she beats me to it.

"I lied to you, Yoongi." She sobs, making confusion take over me.

I stride to the couch and sit down next to her, still keeping a safe distance.

"What do you mean?" I ask her carefully and she looks at me with puffy eyes, the tip of her nose red from crying.

"I wasn't on a business trip the last few days like I told you." She takes a deep shaky breath, before she continues. "I was out of town in a fertility clinic."

A fertility clinic? To do what? My confusion just grows bigger, but considering what I was about to tell her, I remain silent, giving her the space and time to collect her thoughts.

"I asked my gynecologist for advice. I know you're not ready for a child and I realized that I can't force you to have a child with me right now, so my doctor told me about the possibilities I have as a woman and one of those was to freeze my eggs. She told me about the fertility clinic, and I had the appointment this weekend."

I understand her and for a second I'm glad that she accepts what I've been telling her for months, but still, I don't understand why she's so upset about it.

"So, did you do it?" I ask her and I see more tears gather in her eyes. Did I say something wrong?

"No, I couldn't." She tells me and I feel like my head will explode any second now. What is wrong?

"Please, Ahri you're driving me crazy right now, tell me what's wrong."

"They did some examinations and tests and they found something on one of my ovaries."

"They did what?" I'm shocked, and afraid.

"They found a cyst on my ovary and did a quick biopsy. It's nothing serious yet but it could develop into cancer tissue. They advised me to get the ovary removed as the cyst has grown together with the tissue of my ovary."

I take a deep breath and take her hand. She's still crying uncontrollably and it's hard to understand everything she says between her sobs.

"Then you have to get it removed. Did they already give you an appointment?"

"Yes, it's in two weeks. They gave me the contact of a surgeon here in Seoul."

I nod, being content with the information. "Okay. So, you'll have the surgery, and everything will be fine."

She shakes her head intensively. "No, you don't understand. It's not that it's impossible to get pregnant with only one ovary, but it will be more difficult. It might not be possible the natural way."

Oh. Now I understand. I'm torn between the feeling of being sad for Ahri and my bad conscious because I let a certain thought consume my mind. Why now?

"It's alright. There are ways. As long you're healthy it's going to be okay."

She slides closer to me on the couch and wraps her arms around my waist. I wrap mine around her shoulders, trying to soothe her.

"It's not alright. I always wanted to be a mom and now that the opportunity is probably taken away from me, I just feel useless."

I brush my hand over her hair and feel her heavy breathing slowly calm down.

It's Complicated (OC x Yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now