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Suspicions and Car Rides


I've been sitting in my car for the last twenty minutes, still in front of her apartment complex. I'm fighting an inner struggle if I should just go back, or if should give her some time.

I really fucked up. I just did what I wanted to do for weeks in the worst moment I could have done it. And I feel like an asshole for having the desire to do it again. Being with her just feels so right. I have a connection with Danbi, I've never had with Ahri.

She shouldn't be alone right now, but she definitely doesn't want to see me, she made that clear. Shit...she even thinks I was kissing her, because I'm having problems with my wife. She didn't even let me explain. Maybe she will talk to me in a few days, after everything cooled down a bit.

I take out my phone. I still want to make sure that she isn't alone right now, and I also want to make sure that she will press charges. The phone rings a few times before he picks up.

"Hello, Yoongi?" Namjoon answers his phone.

"Hello Namjoon. Are you home? It's Danbi, she needs your help."

"Yeah, I'm home. What happened, is she alright?" His voice sounds distraught. I can already hear shuffling in the background and the sound of keys jingling.

"She was assaulted by her ex yesterday. I was just with her, but I had to leave. Namjoon, she needs to press charges. She didn't want to do anything about it yesterday, so I took some pictures of what he did, just to be sure."

"I agree. That's alright though, it'll probably help. I'm on my way. Thanks for calling me." He hangs up before I can say anything else, but I could hear that he was already in his car, before he hung up, so I decide to leave for good.

I see Ahri's car in the driveway, when I arrive home. I get confused for a second. Usually, she would be at her father's house for lunch on a Saturday.

She's sitting at the dining table, a cup of coffee in front of her, when I enter the house. It is obvious that she has been crying and her phone is lying in front of her on the table.

"Hi." I say, as I start to walk past her.

"Hi?" She returns in a cold voice. I didn't know that tone from her yet. "Are you serious? Where the hell have you been?"

"I was at a friend's." I tell her. Technically it isn't a lie.

"You never stay away the night, without telling me. I thought something happened. You could have at least answered your phone."

I saw her missed calls, but to be honest, there were other things on my mind.

"Sorry, my phone was dead." This is definitely a lie and I can see that she doesn't believe me. I just stand there for a while, waiting if she has anything else to say.

I know I'm being unfair. She was worried the whole night, although we're not on the best terms night now, but I can care less at the moment. This isn't the biggest problem on my mind right now. I know it should be, though.

I sigh and turn around to leave towards the bathroom. I need a cold shower. Before I can reach the door, her voice stops me again.

"You've been so distant lately and now this. Is there someone else?" The question comes out in a weak, shaky voice.

My heart stops for a second. Is there someone else? Could you say there is someone else, when all I do lately is thinking about her? I'm conflicted. I just kissed a woman that isn't my wife, and I don't even feel bad about it. What's wrong with me?

It's Complicated (OC x Yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now