t h i r t y - t w o

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Reunions and Confessions

September 2022


Talking to Areum made me feel so much better. We also spent a lot more time together than usual over the last few weeks.

Other than that, nothing has really changed. Jin is still not talking to me, but I know from Yoongi that he's getting the same treatment. Only seeing him occasionally is still putting me off, but I kind of adjusted to the situation. At least we can spend some time together from time to time. He's trying his best.

I used the last few weekends a lot to spend time at my parents'. In addition to the time I spend with Areum, it's a welcome distraction.

During the week I still bury myself in work. Mr. Kang granted me a pay raise after the successful work with Kim Enterprises and the summer event I organized. I want to work even harder to prove that I'm worthy of it.

I'm barely alone. I think my close friends noticed that I needed them more than ever. Tae told me he never wanted to see me like that again, so we're often having little sleepovers, either at my place or at our parent's house.

Last week Areum invited me to her housewarming party. Her and Minho found a little house to rent a short while ago and I helped her plan the party. It was awkward though. Yoongi said he couldn't be there, but I knew he was doing me a favor by staying away, because Ahri was there.

I tried to avoid her the whole night and managed to talk to her only shortly. Jin wasn't there either. I guess he tried to avoid all of us for obvious reasons. I feel bad for our friends that are still oblivious to the whole situation. They feel that something is off for sure and I wonder if they're having any suspicions.

Today Areum convinced me to go to a karaoke bar. I love the nights we go out together. They let me forget all the trouble for a few hours and I can be simply carefree. Tae promised to join us too.

We first go to a Korean barbecue place before we arrive at the karaoke bar and check into the room Areum booked for us, ordering some drinks. We already had some drinks at the restaurant, so we don't care at all when we start the first song and sing loudly and very off into the mics.

A few songs and drinks in I burst out laughing, holding my tummy while I watch my brother dance wildly to a song he picked. He tries to rap his parts, but he's too slow and misses half of the words. But he doesn't care and just adds his own sound effects, making Areum and me laugh even harder.

A few minutes ago, we ordered some more drinks over the tablet and I think they're arriving when the door to our room opens, but I'm surprised to see an unexpected face enter the room.

My gaze searches for Areum, giving her a confused and questioning look.

"I talked to him a lot lately. I literally begged him on my knees to join us today. I guess he's ready to talk to you."

My drunken state doesn't help me controlling my feelings, as my eyes immediately start to water at the sight of my best friend.

I make eye contact with Jin, while he stares back at me, seeming indifferent. But I know him too well to buy that look. His ears are slightly red and I see him swallow a few times. He does that when he tries to calm his nerves. This is the same look he had the day he opened his restaurant. This is hard for him too.

Tae excuses himself to give us some privacy and pulls Areum with him, leaving us alone in the room.

"Hi." I say with a timid, slightly shaky voice. I don't know how to act, so my fingers automatically fumble with the wide sleeves of my blouse.

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