t h a n k y o u

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It's been about eight years, that I published a fan fiction, and I thought I would never write again. I didn't think I would ever have the urge to write again, but well...here I am and the first one is already finished.

Thank you so much for being here and staying until the end. I appreciate every single read, vote and comment! ❤️

I wanted to create a fluffy story, seasoned with a bit of drama. Other than most divorce/affair stories I've read, I didn't want anyone to be the villain. Although Ahri was a bit dramatic from time to time, she was a sweetheart and even when Kwon is strict and seems intimidating to Yoongi, he only ever wanted the best for his daughter.

People fall in and out of love and sometimes that's just how life goes. People make wrong decisions and they often hurt people they care for. But they can also forgive and work out their problems.

I'm already working on something new and I'm excited to share it with you! I'll keep you updated on my profile and I hope to see you again at the next story! 😊

Thank you again and Borahae! 💜

Thank you again and Borahae! 💜

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