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Birthday Wishes and Celebrations

March 2023


"Oh god!" Danbi exclaims in ecstasy as she throws her head back, scratching her nails over my naked chest in the progress.

My fingers are digging into her hips, still helping her to move them slightly back and forth, riding out both of our highs.

I watch the goddess on top of me, her skin slightly glistening with sweat, and her breasts moving with her heaving chest. A content grin forms on her full lips, before she collapses forward, resting on my chest, with her head pressed into the crook of my neck.

I wrap my arms around her body enjoying our closeness. Danbi turns her head and starts to leave little kisses on my jaw. I turn my head and catch her lips, moving our lips in slow, nearly lazy movements.

When we're done kissing, she smiles at me, while she brushes her thumb over my cheek. "Happy Birthday my love." She tells me and I give her a big grin.

"Thank you, baby."

She sits up and slides off my lap. But I don't have to miss her warmth for too long as she cuddles into my side right away.

"Was that my birthday present?" I chuckle and she gives me a smirk.

"Partly." She laughs slightly.

I'd say waking up with her mouth around my dick and having her riding it afterwards is the only present I need, but I guess it's her choice.

"If it was for me, you could wake me up like this every morning." I smirk and she rolls her eyes.

"It's not like I never wake you up like this."

"Hmm, but still."

"You're greedy." She snickers and sits up.

"I wouldn't call it that." She gets up while I'm still talking and walks towards the bathroom, leaving the door open.

"What would you call it then?" I hear her voice calling from the bathroom, smiling to myself.

"Being crazy about you?" It's more of a question and I give her a goofy grin, when her head pops out of the door, one brow nearly raised to her hairline. She shakes her head at me and disappears again.

"Would you come back to bed?" I ask, hoping I don't have to do that twice.

"Nope. We're on a tight schedule. I have to shower so we can get to your parents a bit earlier, because we've made reservations at 7 and we're meeting the others at 9."

I groan, throwing myself back into the pillows. Who planned that? Oh yeah right, I did. Just because I wanted to have dinner with just Danbi before we would meet the others for my birthday party and I couldn't say no to my parents who invited us over for my birthday too.

I accept my fate of a stressful day and make my way to the bathroom. "Can I at least join you in the shower?" I ask, as I watch her through the fogged-up glass walls of the shower.

"If you keep your hands to yourself." She smirks with her eyes closed, rinsing out her hair, getting rid of the shampoo, the remnants running down her delicate body.

"Mhm, I can't promise that." I tell her and lick my lips. I could do another round.

"Then you stay out. We don't have time for that."

I snort and sit down on the closed toilet lid, waiting for her to be done. "Do I have to schedule an appointment to have sex now? You didn't rush me half an hour ago." I chuckle with sarcasm lacing my voice. 

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