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Coffee and Girl's Talk


I was surprised, when Ahri invited me and Areum to the headquarters of her charity organization a week later.

I know from Yoongi, that they're still not talking, so seeing his wife, without her knowing what I found out from him, is kind of uncomfortable for me. I have to be careful, not to let anything slip, if she brings up the topic. I promised Yoongi to keep it to myself.

Areum and I arrive at the building in the afternoon, curious of what to expect. I still have the most generous respect for Ahri, for keeping this charity running, raising billions for children and cancer foundations.

The charity is located on the lower floor of a five-story building. As soon as we enter, Ahri welcomes us with a warm smile, hugging us both.

Everything about the office is so welcoming. It has an open concept, there's only one closed office, which is surrounded by glass. Across from the entrance is their logo, two hands intertwining, in a heart shaped form. Beneath it the basic principle of the charity is written in bold letters.

On one of the walls stands a showcase, presenting all the awards, the charity got in the past.

"These are a few children we could provide with help. With the help of donations, we could send Hana to university, she graduated last year." Ahri tells us, pointing at a picture of a teenage girl, who is smiling brightly into the camera.

"It was also donations, which made it possible for these two boys to stay together. They're twins and went to live with foster parents last year. The couple caring for them originally could only afford to take care of one of them, so we helped them obtain basic equipment and are currently helping them with the adoption process."

I smile at the picture of two identical looking boys, grinning towards the camera with both of their front teeth missing. Behind them stands a middle-aged couple, looking nearly as happy as the children.

In the middle of all these pictures showing a variety of children, teenagers and young adults, is a black and white picture of a woman. It's surrounded by flowers and the similarity to Ahri is noticeable.

"Is this your mother?" Areum asks what I'm thinking.

"Yes, that's her," she answers with a sad smile.

"She was a beautiful woman. You look a lot like her." I try to brighten the mood. It's not even a lie.

"Thank you," Ahri says. "I always looked up to her. I'm still trying to make her proud."

Neither Areum nor I have anything to add, so Ahri continues to show us her office. She proposes to grab some coffee, as she's done for the day, and we gladly agree.

Now we're sitting in that cute café, having coffee and macarons in front of us and are engaged in our conversation.

"How are things with Minho, Areum?" Ahri asks.

Areum met Minho through work, when she was in Chicago over the holidays. They've been going on dates ever since.

"It's great, he's really a gentleman and fun to be around. I like him a lot. I think it's getting serious. He officially asked me out a few days ago and I said yes." She looks all dreamy while talking about him.

I'm so happy for her. Areum's dating history isn't as much a dilemma as mine, but she also has a talent for picking idiots.

"How about you Danbi, is there someone right now?" Ahri excitedly asks me, and I shake my head, no.

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