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Bliss or No Bliss


We're standing outside, watching the firework, that was organized for the gala. Green, red, purple and pink sparkles can be seen all over the night sky. It's beautiful to watch. Taehyung is holding his camera towards the sky eagerly, trying to get some good shots.

"You don't have to keep photographing, Taehyung. You've really done enough," says Ahri, trying to stop my brother from working. But being the workaholic, he always used to be, he keeps taking photos of everything that catches his eye.

"Hey, how about taking some photos in those photo boxes?" Jimin proposes and everybody seems to like the idea. Now that the official part is over, the elegant gala is transformed into a glamorous after party.

I replace my champagne with a cold mug of Moscow Mule and go back to the hallway, where the others are already waiting for one of the photo boxes to be free. There are fun signs and accessories the guests can use to pose.

"Here take this," Jin says as he gives me a paper mustache and a top hat on a stick. I laugh because of the little plastic tiara he puts on his head.

I join him in the box, and we take a row of silly photos before being joined by my brother and Jimin. Before we leave the box, I take a few photos with Taehyung, taking a picture of them with my phone. I send the picture to my parents, wishing them a happy new year.

Jungkook, Namjoon and I are next. The box is really cramped, but instead of sitting in front of the two men, Namjoon pulls me on his lap, squeezing my waist, while doing silly faces.

We're all standing together, comparing our photos and laughing with each other. The evening and night are very entertaining, we laugh together, share popcorn and cotton candy and before we know it, it's already three in the morning and some of us are on the dancefloor.

I stopped drinking about an hour ago, I'm still a bit tipsy but overall, I'm just feeling great. I sway my hips to the subtle beats that are played by the DJ. Goosebumps start to form on my arms, as I feel two hands gripping my hips and controlling their movements.

I immediately recognize his smell. Namjoon. I press my back to his chest and continue to dance, while his hands are roaming my body, feeling me up.

He's quick to turn me around and latch his lips to mine, while I sling my arms around his neck, scraping my nails over the dark hair in his nape. His intentions are clear, I don't need to feel his bulge pressing into my pelvis to know that. It's always clear when it comes to our intentions with each other.

He detaches our lips and leans towards my ear. "Do you want to get out of here?" His breath is tickling my ear, making me release a silent giggle. I nod and take the hand he offers me.

Our round of goodbyes is quick. Jin is too drunk to notice, Jungkook is making out with some girl on the dancefloor and Taehyung and Jimin are nowhere to be seen. The only people we can say goodbye to properly are Ahri and Yoongi.

I thank Ahri for inviting us and the great evening we had because of her, and she thanks us both again for the donation. After hugging them both, Namjoon takes my hand back into his  and leads me out of the venue.

Again, I have the feeling someone is watching us, the whole way out. When I turn around to confirm my suspicion, I see Yoongi staring at me, like he did multiple times this evening. But he's quick to give me a small smile and turn his attention back to his wife and a drunk Jin, who looks like he would fall asleep on the table any minute now.

The Taxi ride home goes by quickly and before even reaching my apartment door, we're messily making out. It's not like we're drunk, but we both had a fair amount to drink over the duration of the night, so to say we're sober would be a straight lie.

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