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Mistakes and Contracts

September 2021


I look up from the papers in front of me, when I hear a knock on my office door.

Hoseok opens the door and smiles lightly at me.

"Mr. Kim's assistant just called; he wants to see you in his office."

I furrow my eyebrows. Our CEO rarely calls me to his office. "Did his assistant tell you why he wants to see me?"

"No, but it sounded urgent."

I quickly sign the last paper on my desk and give the stack of papers to Hoseok.

"Could you please send them to Jimin? He was waiting for them. And cancel this afternoon's meeting with the finance department, I probably won't make it."

I give him a small smile, while I make my way out of the office towards the elevator. I think about my boss' intentions while I'm waiting for the elevator. I've heard about some problems, one of my clients has with our company. Last thing I heard is that our legal department is dealing with those problem. But other than this, I can't think about any other reason for him to call me.

I swallow as I walk out of the elevator and down the narrow hallway towards the only office on the highest floor of our building. I take one last deep breath before knocking on the door and entering the office. Kim Kwon is sitting behind his table. Two people I recognize from the legal department are sitting with him.

"Yoongi, please have a seat," he tells me.  I nod and sit down in front of him.

"What is this about?"

Mr. Kim looks concerned. I shortly gaze at the brown envelope, that's lying on his desk in front of him, noticing the name of one of my clients. The exact client we struggled with lately.

"I assume you already heard about the struggles your client is giving us?" He looks at me with a serious expression and I curtly nod my head, gazing at the paper in front of him again. "Yes. I talked about the matter with our legal department. I thought it was under control?"

I look at the two people next to me, who are avoiding my gaze. After a few moments of silence, one of them, I recognize as Mrs. Ahn, speaks up.

"It turned out that there was a mistake in the contract we signed with the client. We were working with the law firm that we always worked with, to go over the contract, but they didn't notice the mistake, before we signed it. We didn't notice it either. The mistake in the contract makes it possible for the client to sue us for breach of contract. If they actually succeed and take us to court, they might get a horrendous compensation sum out of it."

"How did they make a mistake with a contract? Didn't we hire that law firm because it is supposed to be the best? We pay them a fortune! Why did nobody tell me about this? Didn't you read over the contract when it was handed to us?"

I slightly raise my voice as I'm getting more and more infuriated. I'm looking at Mrs. Ahn, waiting for an explanation. She blushes and looks down at her hands, that are shaking in her lap.

"I'm sorry sir, we didn't notice. We just found out about the legal action. We immediately annulled the contract we had with the law firm. We tried to talk with your client and reach an out of court settlement, but they want to go through with the lawsuit. That's why we're here now. We have to decide the next steps."

Kwon raises one of his eyebrows and looks at me, his face is red, showing his anger about the whole situation.

"This is your call, Yoongi. It's your client. You need to find a law firm that gets us out of this without greater damage on our side. If that law firm was supposed to be the best, you need to find someone better. If this gets out to the public, our reputation could be harmed, which leads to losing the trust of our clients and partners. I trust you on this, take care about it and report everything directly to me."

I nod and take the paper he's handing me, while I clench my fist at my side, still overthinking how this could even happen. "Yes sir."

The bottle of wine I have in my hand is exactly what I need now

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The bottle of wine I have in my hand is exactly what I need now. I spent the whole afternoon finding a new law firm, that is better than the old one and willing to accept our case. I ring the bell of my best friend's apartment. Seokjin opens the door with a smile on his lips. The smile falls the second he sees my face.

"Who spit into your coffee today?"

I just lift the wine bottle in my hand and enter his apartment. The smell of food is mouthwatering, and I follow the heavenly smell to the kitchen.

"You made my favorite? How did you know?" I smirk at him, while he shrugs his shoulders.

"Ahri called and warned me that you didn't have the best day."

"How does she already know?"

"Her father probably called her."

"Should have known that." I sigh at his words.

I open one of the kitchen drawers to grab for the bottle opener and fill us both a glass of wine, downing mine in one go and filling my glass again. Seokjin puts a plate in front of me and sits across from me.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Our law firm fucked up the contract with one of my clients and our own legal department didn't notice it. Now we're facing a lawsuit and it doesn't look good at all. If we lose this, we're not just losing a shitload of money, but it will damage our reputation and we might lose more clients. And Kwon makes me responsible for it, because it was my client and I signed the contract. I mean, I kind of am responsible...I signed it."

I drink another sip of the wine and take a bite of the food in front of me. I groan at the taste in my mouth. If something can help lighten my mood, it is always Jin's food.

Jin furrows his eyebrows and takes a sip of his wine as well. "How are you responsible? You're the best in your job and you had nothing to do with the mistake the law firm made. If you get a contract, you trust the work of your legal department. Legal matters are not your job."

I just shrug my shoulders. "I have to find a new law firm. One that is better than the last one and is willing to fight that lawsuit. But I can't seem to find one. Nobody wants to accept the case, because it's too risky."

Jin puts his chopsticks down and seems to think for a moment. "I might know someone who could help you."

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