t w e n t y - o n e

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Trials and Supporters

June 2022


As dramatic as our relationship started, the calmer it became after the first two weeks. I finally managed to get rid of my doubts and I learned to live with the constant bad conscious. I just try to enjoy the time I get to spend with Yoongi.

There are times where we see each other a few times a week, but other times, he can't come over not even once a week. But this is all I can get for now and I came to terms with it.

About three weeks after my alcoholic melt down at the bar, Ahri reached out to me. She thought I was stressed because of work, which was true...at least partly. She took me and Areum out for a spa day. The spa day was great.

Pretending that I wasn't sleeping with Ahri's husband not so much. But the day went way better than the evening at the bar. It made me feel good and bad at the same time, when Ahri told us that Yoongi is still refusing to sleep with her. At least she isn't suspecting that he's with someone else. She still blamed the whole baby thing.

My stress at work increased over the last few weeks. The summer event I was planning since the beginning of the year is only two weeks away now. At least everything is planned and we just have to put it into action.

But before I'll have to host the most important event of the year for my law firm, I have to get through this trial. The lawsuit against Jae was supposed to be done by April, but he didn't show up for the first trial.

That was good for us, though. That made him look dubious in front of the judge. Namjoon knows the judge, who's responsible for my case, and he heard that she was upset by Jae's behavior. His lawyer managed to get him another appointment, much to my displeasure.

This is how I find myself at court, again. I'm glad to have my friends here to support me. Namjoon as my lawyer, Jungkook as his assistant, Taehyung because he wants to be there for me, and Yoongi, not only because he has to testify, but he wants to be there for me too.

He told me just yesterday, that although he can't hold my hand while we're at court, he won't leave my side.

I still have Taehyung here to hold my hand and this time Jae actually shows up at court. My whole body is shaking when he steps into the room. I feel Taehyung squeeze my hand when he walks past us towards his lawyer.

It's not that I'm afraid of him. I'm angry. The side smile he gives me, while walking past us, provokes not only me, but Taehyung and Yoongi as well. Namjoon notices and tells us to keep calm, but you could see that he isn't unaffected by it either.

What's unbelievable is that he denies everything. He even goes as far as accusing me of wanting everything he did. He just tells the judge, that I liked it rough, whenever I was with him. Yoongi's leg is shaking next to me, it seems like he will burst any minute now. I want to put my hand on his thigh and reassure him to stay calm, but although Taehyung knows, and meanwhile also Jungkook, no one else does, so I can't.

But in the end, Jae could talk as much as he wanted, Yoongi's testification, the pictures of my injuries and the recordings of the surveillance camera, don't leave any doubts. Jae gets a three-year probation.

Yoongi is livid. He's sure that this isn't nearly enough. But we're lucky. It's the highest sentence he could have gotten, as this is his first criminal record. Still, we were in the favor of the judge. Maybe it's because she's also a woman and saw right through his narcissistic behavior.

Namjoon manages to reassure us. At least we won the trial and if he will ever come near me again, he will go straight to jail.

By now Ahri also knows what happened with Jae and why Yoongi had to be at court too. She doesn't question, why Yoongi was there in the first place. She also doesn't question anything, when Yoongi calls her, to tell her that everybody will go for a few drinks after the trial, and she shouldn't wait for him to come home.

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