t w e n t y - s i x

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Messy Sheets and Galleries


I groan when she tries to press her legs together, caging my head between them. I wrap my hands around her thighs, pushing them apart to keep them in place. She cries out when I flick my tongue over her clit, burying her hand in my hair.

There was no holding back as soon as we returned to our hotel room. Right now, I have her sitting on top of the dresser. Legs spread, her sweet ass resting towards the edge, giving me access to the meal I was craving since we stepped into that plane. I'm sitting on the chair in front of her. I didn't even spare time to get rid of my own clothes.

I already have her close. She's frantically trying to move her hips, but I keep holding her down, still drawing circles on her clit with my tongue. I use two fingers to enter her, pumping them in and out.

My eyes skip up to her. She's leaning against the mirror, her chest moving up and down with heavy breaths, her lips slightly apart, sinful moans escaping her mouth from time to time. I grin against her when I hear a loud gasp leave her and can feel her muscles contract around my fingers.

I detach my mouth from her and pump my fingers a few more times before I pull them out and lick them clean, all while looking straight into her eyes. She bites her lip and looks down at me before a broad grin appears on her face.

"Fuck, your tongue will make me go insane one day." She beams and chuckles lightly.

She sits up and licks her lips, then she hops off the dresser and leans down to kiss me, supporting herself with her hands on my thighs. While our lips move against each other, she moves her hands up and starts to fumble with the buttons of my shirt, skillfully opening one after the other until it's completely open.

She parts our lips and gives me an alluring grin before she moves close to my ear. Her hair brushes against my cheek and I can smell the shampoo she always uses.

"My turn." Her breath tickles my ear when she whispers, making goosebumps form on my body.

She kisses the shell of my ear and slightly bites my earlobe before she kisses her way over my jaw to my chest. I hiss when she flattens her tongue over one of my nipples and leaves a wet stripe there.

Once she's ready to continue further she kneels down in front of me and is quick to open my belt and the button of my pants. I spread my legs a bit more, allowing her to rob a bit closer on her knees.

After she pulled down my zipper, she sticks her hand in my pants and pulls my dick out of my boxers. I was painfully hard ever since I licked the first stripe over her sweet pussy.

She leans down and angles my dick towards her mouth. I release a groan when she licks over my tip, pressing her tongue down into the slit. She puts the tip into her mouth and hollows her cheeks, sucking a bit. But to my dismay she releases it with a pop after a few seconds. When she leaves little kitten licks all over the head of my dick, I realize what she's doing.

"Stop teasing baby." I tell her. All I want is to feel her plump lips around me.

She grins at me, and I fear that she'll be teasing some more, but it turns out that I don't have to ask twice. She takes the head back into her mouth, moving her lips further down a bit at first.

I grab a fistful of her hair when she starts to bob her head back and forth on my dick. Her saliva is lubricating my dick, making it easier to move. With every move down she takes it in deeper and she's flattening her tongue, letting me feel her warm and wet muscle glide over my sensitive skin.

It's Complicated (OC x Yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now