t h i r t y - t h r e e

222 16 4

Acceptance and Dog Biscuits


„Penny for your thoughts?" I say, as I enter the kitchen and see Yoongi distantly staring off into space, with his back leaning against the kitchen counter and his hand mindlessly stirring the coffee in his cup.

He moved in three four ago and he hasn't talked about what happened with Ahri yet. He tries to not let it show, but I can read him like a book. He feels guilty and I'm giving him all the time he needs, until he wants to talk about it.

When he doesn't react, I slowly walk towards him and take the cup out of his hands, placing it on the counter behind him. As soon as I wrap my arms around his waist and nuzzle into his chest, I get a reaction from him and he embraces me into a tight hug.

We just stand like this for a minute, slightly swaying from side to side until I lean back a bit and tilt my head up to smile at him.

I missed this. Just us and our little bubble of love and admiration. We rarely stepped out of it for the last few days. The joy of finally being together still outweighs the fear of what might come.

Yoongi gives me the warmest smile, before he leans down and leaves a lingering kiss on my lips. I raise to my tiptoes and give him another quick peck, breaking free from the hug after.

"Are you okay?" I ask him as I pack my bag for work.

"I'm getting there." He sighs. "Are you ready to meet my parents tonight?" He immediately changes the topic.

"No." I chuckle and leave the kitchen to slip into my heels, that are waiting for me by the door. "Are you sure you want me to meet them so soon? You just moved out. Wouldn't it be better to give it some more time?"

I silently thank him as he hands me my thermos cup full of freshly brewed Earl Grey and wait for his answer. I try to search for insecurity in his expression, but I can't seem to find any.

"No, they really want to meet you. Especially my mom. She told me to visit them as soon as I called to tell her that I moved out. I mean they know about our situation. It's not like we met yesterday and now I'm dragging you to meet my parents."

I sigh and give him a determined nod. "You're right. I'm just worried about their thoughts about me, but I'm looking forward to meeting them."

Yoongi gives me a content smile and helps me slip into my trench coat. It's the end of September and it's getting crisp now.

"I'll pick you up at 6 and then I'll drive us to my parents from there. Have you packed a bag?"

I nod and point to the bedroom. "Yes. I left some room in it for your stuff. It's that black bag in front of the dresser."

"Alright." He smiles and kisses me one more time before I rush outside of the apartment and make my way towards the office. 

I have genuinely no idea what he does the whole day. The last few days he always came by the office to grab lunch with me, but that was only an hour of the day. The first day, I came home to him sorting his clothes into my closet, after I told him he was free to make some space for his stuff. The second day I came home to a sparkling clean apartment and my man standing over the stove, cooking the most delicious meal I've had in a while.

Yesterday he told me about his quest of finding a new job online, but he didn't see any job advertisements that caught his eye. I could tell that he was frustrated, that the only thing he managed to get done, was printing out his resignation. I told him to give it some time. In my opinion, there will be companies offering him a job, after they hear about the news of him terminating his contract with Kim Enterprises. He's well known in the industry.

It's Complicated (OC x Yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now