t w e n t y - f o u r

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Excuses and Boarding Passes


Do I feel bad that I just hung up on Danbi? Yeah, maybe a bit. But it's worth it. I have to leave on Thursday for a business meeting with one of our partner companies in Tokyo. I immediately thought about taking Danbi with me.

I did promise her to take her on a trip, to relief all the stress from her. And now that work will be a bit calmer for her, my business trip comes at the perfect time.

I silence my phone and log into the online meeting with our office in New York. My time at work lately consists of running from one meeting to another, avoiding Kwon and buttering up some clients. It's mostly the same as always. Nothing really new is happening.

I avoid getting lunch with Danbi, because I know she would just bombard me with questions, and I would cave in the end and tell her everything about our trip.

I'll really have to do some business there, but it will just be for about two hours Thursday afternoon and a breakfast with some investors Sunday morning. I won't have to be present for the rest of the work I have to do there. I can easily do it from the hotel.

Usually, Hoseok would accompany me on my business trips, but it also isn't unusual that I go by myself, so it didn't take much to convince him to stay and take the days off, when I won't be in the office.

When I arrive home from work, I'm welcomed by a delicious smell from the kitchen. It's fairly late, so Ahri already ate, but as always, she has a plate of food ready for me.

She sits with me, as I'm eating, talking about her and my day. To be honest, I always liked the talks with her. It's easy. That's also why we've been friends for such a long time, we've always got along. She's the perfect friend. But that's the problem. She isn't the perfect lover. At least not for me. Because of our great friendship, I always thought the love will eventually come, but that never happened.

I really hope I won't lose her as a friend, but that's wishful thinking. No matter how she finds out in the end, it will hurt her. I'm not only getting a divorce, but I'm also having a full ass affair while doing so.

It bugs me a lot that through the arrangement our parents made, we were kind of robbed of the opportunity to meet a significant other, we chose to be with. I did now, but Ahri's fixed on the idea of our relationship. I can't really tell if she's really in love with me or if she simply thinks she's in love with me, or just loves the image of a picture-perfect marriage and being a wife.

Even when we were children, she always talked about being married one day, having a house with her husband and children. I just wish her someone who wants the same. Ahri is a great woman, I'm sure it won't take long for her to find someone.

Ahri already knows I'm going to leave for a business trip, but I still have to tell her the details.

"By the way, I will leave Thursday morning, or rather night, for my trip. I'll be back Sunday evening."

"Should I take you to the airport?"

I smile, shaking my head. For very obvious reasons...no.

"It's alright, thank you. I already booked a parking spot at the airport. I'll just leave my car there until Sunday."

"Okay. Maybe I'll ask Areum and Danbi if they would like to have a girl's night here." She smiles, happy about her idea.

Well, I definitely know who won't come.

"Yeah sure, I guess this will be fun for you." I smile at her, trying to seem unsuspecting. "I'll take a shower and go to bed, work's been exhausting today."

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