5 More Minutes

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Five more minutes...
The little prince said to his brother.
- Nope, you have a lot to do today, you better wake up early.
He said, checking the to-do list again. The ink was still kinda wet and the smell of it was still there too.
- No
- What?
- I said no, you're not my father, now get out!
He was furious, but not shocked. He was use to his damn brother's bratty behavior. But this time it was enough. His hands started shaking with anger.
- How dare you talk with me like that!!!
He yelled.
- How dare you to yell at me?
It was the last straw, he slapped him, it was and impulsive act though, he suddenly regretted.
- Sorry i didn't mean to hu...
- GET OUT!!!!
The little prince said with tears in his eyes. His brother didn't cared about him crying, if anything, it slightly annoyed him.
- As you wish
He said in a sarcastic, stern tone.
As soon as his brother got out of the room, he hugged his pillow, pillows and blankets were his only friends. They gave him warmth, they weren't complaining or constantly wanting things from him. They weren't insulting him every so often. They weren't comparing him to anyone else. They were just there to give him comfort. He could hug them whenever he felt like. He could even punch them if he feels so overwhelmed, and wouldn't hurt his hands like walls do.
His brother was going to be King soon, when he comes to age. Until then, his uncle was on the throne. He didn't give a damn about crown, but he didn't wanted his brother to take it, cause even if he was cold and sometimes rude to him; he was his only family and since his father and mother died when he was just a little baby, his brother mostly raised him. He was more then just a servant that babysat him, he was his friend. And he didn't wanted him to be busy with the kingdom all day. He knew he was rude to his brother too, and that he can be a jerk sometimes, but he was his brother and he liked to have him around, even if they just argue.
He sleeped a bit more, he wouldn't like to do anything except sleeping when he was angry. He tried to focus on the warmth of his blanket and the softness of his pillow, and he waited for sleep to took over him again and carry him to sweet dreams. After a few hours, he woke up, feeling much more calm. Then he heard his brother and one of the servants were arguing, it was a rare sight cause who in their right mind would argue with their future king? He couldn't helped but eavesdrop to the argument
- He's just 10!
- You're looking at this wrong, you need to...
- Please listen, your majesty...
- Get the hell out of my sight if you think you'll miss your head!
- Fine!!
As he opened the door, he saw his little brother losing his balance and nearly falling down. He chuckled a bit.
- Do not eaves drop to peoples' conversations ever again, did you understood me you little gremlin?
- I wasn't eavesdropping you!!
- Oh, yeah? What were you doing right behind the door, then?
He couldn't come up with a quick lie to explain it.
- Go to your room, Sea!
As much as he can remember he never called him by his name, he usually referred to him as "gremlin" "kiddo" "headache" or "pain in the back" so he took a few seconds to react. He decided that he'd prefer being called "gremlin" or something to this. He liked being "Rain", being called by a name other than that was just so weird.
- My name is not "Sea"!!!
- I don't like "Rain", so now you're Sea for me.
- You can't just call me "Sea" just cause you don't like my name!!!
- Yes i can. Now go to your room, you're grounded for eavesdropping!
- That's not fair, you eavesdrop to my conversations all the time!!
- To protect you, idiot! I'm your older brother and i need to be sure you're not badly influenced by other people!!
- I'm 10!!!
- Exactly! You're just a little child!!
- I'm NOT a little child!! I'm way more mature than you are!!
Rain rolled his eyes and shouted;
- Fine!!
and gave him the side eye before continuing;
- But let's settle this down first, if you're gonna call me a different name, at least call me something similiar sounding to Rain!
Rain could see the expression of his brother softened, then his brother gave a very quick smile and continued to talk
- It may not sound similar, but it's actually quite similiar to the name dad gave you, they're both water based names. I don't love dad enough to keep calling you Rain, i hate rains.
He paused for a second, took a deep breath and continued;
- But i can at least keep it water based. Now GO TO YOUR ROOM!!
The real reason he was sending him to his room wasn't to give a punishment, he just didn't want him to see him cry, or argue with his uncle and the palace staff. He was really mad at his uncle, and palace workers were agree with him which made him even more furious.
So he, like he usually does, made his brother mad again while trying to protect him from all the crazyness going on in the house. In his opinion, a kid needs to stay strong even when things are not going okay; they shouldn't be crybabies, and a kid needs to learn that life is hard, but there's a limit for it; Sea is still too young for household drama.

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