Flying Away

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He runned for a few minutes until he got caught by a guard in the garden. The guards that was following him behind made it harder to escape from the guards in the garden to he wasn't able to run away.
- Nice try.
The guard said, a proud look was on his face.
- Shut up!
He lead him to his room whitout talking.
- I was so close!
He told to his pet bird while petting it's wings.
- All i needed to do was to keep running until for a few more minutes 'till the guards were too tired to move on and when they losed my sight I could've gone to my tunnel and escape! It's easy for you, isn't it? You can escape from here whenever you want, don't you? You can fly after all. I wish i could fly too.
Then he looked at the sky from the window and sighed
- You're so lucky, what wouldn't i give just to be able to fly...

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