I Killed Someone

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- I killed someone...
He said in a voice barely audible.
- What did you said, honey?
- I killed someone...
He added. His voice was trembling. His heart was beating too fast.
- W-What? Can you repeat hun?
She asked, trying to be as calm as possible, but she felt her chest getting tighten.
- I... I ki...
He bursted into tears, unable to continue his words. He just wanted to shut his brain off, to relax, to get away from the guilt; even for an limited amount of time. Seeing him having a mental breakdown, she hugged him tightly like a mother and he happily accepted the hug and hugged her back. Growing up mostly whitout a mother or a father, he would cling his heart to every parental kind of affection. He hugged him back as she stroked his hair. It made him calm down a bit. She knew he did it in self defense or something, cause her little cotton ball wouldn't do anything close to such a thing.
- Thank you
He said. He was still sobbing, but it was all better. He finally said it. He finally confessed what he had done to someone whom he actually knew. It felt... comforting.

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