Bird Wings

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- RAINNNN!!!!!
- What!?
He rushed to Hamlin kinda anxiously, it looked like whatever the problem was, it was either something serious or something very very urgent, or more probably; both very urgent and serious.
- STOP!!!!!!!!
He yelled as he saw a little kid with bird-like wings that looked like real bird feathers about to jump from a high building. 
He yelled.
- It'll work, trust me!
- Why are you so skeptical?
- Cause i know basic physics!! You'll die if you jump!!
He thought a bit, he knew he had to do it, he was working on it for weeks now and he wasn't gonna chicken out in the last minute. He managed to perfectly imitate a bird wing. It should work, right? But he wasn't denying that he was actually quite scared and his heart was beating faster than ever.
- I... I still wanna try.
- As a prince, i order you to stay where you are, you're not gonna jump and i'll get you away from the edge, it is an order, you can't say no; understood?
He knew he couldn't say no if the prince ordered it. His heart calmed down a bit.
- Yeah...
Rain rushed to the rooftop of the building and grabbed the kids arms and dragged him to the ground.
- Don't attempt to do stupid things like that ever again. You could've died, idiot. Where are your parents anyway? They need to keep a better eye on you.
- They are at work.
- And you're all alone in the day time?
- Yeah...
- This isn't acceptable. You're just a toddler.
- I'm five! I'm fine by myself.
- Where does your parents work at?
- My father is a bartender and my mother is a librarian.
- Which library does your mother works at?
- Uhm. I don't remember the name...
- I'm not gonna take a little child to a bar... Do you have any other relatives that might take care of you today?
- My uncle and my cousin...
- Perfect. Where are they right now?
- My uncle is in the farm and my cousin... I dunno, he's probably on the lake side, writing books.

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