I Still HATE You

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He started crying, and kicking the wooden floor and causing candles to almost fall
- I wanted to fly, just like Ronny did! I can't believe i failed!
- Look kiddo...
- I'm all ears...
- Ronny, he...
- Yes?
- Ronny... Ronny didn't flew. He... he fall down and... d-died.
He frozen in shock for a few minutes, than tears slowly broke down
- B-But... you told me...
- I know... I'm sorry...
- But i...
- I should've told it to you before.
- So he'll never coming back? Like Vicky?
- Y-Yes...
- Why did you lied!!!?
- I wanted to protect you from the reality for a bit more.
He started kicking the floor again and lightly punched him.
- You ought to tell me! I was waiting for him for months now!!! I HATE you...
- I'm sorry...
- I still HATE you
This felt like a punch to his chest. But he tried to hide how hurt he was by hearing this.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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