Little Slave

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- What do you want?
- Were  you... crying?
- No, I just washed my face, that's why it's wet.
- Your eyes are red too, you were crying, weren't you?
- I didn't slept whole night, that's why...
- You didn't slept whole night? Why?
- I had some things to take care of...
- Can you explain to me what those "some things" are?
- That's none of your business, gremlin
- Come on!
- Shut up!
- Don't talk to me that way!
- Then stop bothering me!
- Fine!!!
That afternoon, he saw someone was selling a slave, the little boy that they were selling was so scared. He felt a bit bad for the boy, and he decided to free him, sort of.
- How much for the boy?
- It's free for you, your majesty
He said, and knelt down.
- I don't need your generosity, but since selling a human is not something i approve, i'll accept saving him for free. I indeed don't want to make your life any better by giving you money
He said in a harsh, stern tone that scared the slave seller a bit.
- Come on boy, come with me
Randolf said. The boy was so scared, he couldn't even dare to look into the prince's eyes.
- Do you have a family, boy?
- No.
- Do you have a safe place to go?
- No.
- Then you're coming to the palace with me. Don't worry, I got you, you'll be safe from now on. I have a brother, he's close to your age, maybe you can get along with that boy. But if you make him upset, there will be consequences, cause i'm the only one who can tease my little brother or act harshly to him, understand?
- I... i understand, your majesty. I won't make him upset, I promise.
- Good, good.

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