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Nightmares continued as vivid as they used to be. He wasn't complaining, he believed that he deserved them all. He killed a human being after all. He did it to save himself, but it didn't change the fact that he took an innocent life. Nightmares and the guilt that was drowning him was not a big punishment considering what he had done, so he didn't complained about nightmares to his brother, the only person who was close to him that knew what he had done. Sometimes he wished he never been born at all, after all he wouldn't be able to kill anyone if he didn't born in the first place.
  Nightmares were useally typical, he was seeing the begging eyes of him that was blurry with tears behind his own teary eyes. He was feeling like he was reliving the moment after he killed him over and over again; the begging for forgiveness even though he knew it was too late, the blood that stained his clothes, the panic, the immense guilt, him refusing to believe this, and closing his eyes so he might wake up from this nightmare... he usually woke up after closing his eyes, he rarely relived the reality hitting him like a rock

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