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New part;

He saw a nightmare again and woke up breathing heavily and covered with sweat. The little boy which he started calling "Liberty" was in front of his bed, and his arms were open for a hug. Rain took the toddler in his lap and stroked his hair
- What are you doing here, little one?
- Sad?
- Yes, yes, i'm sad;  and i'm scared, i'm scared more than i'm sad. I can't stop thinking, what if he comes back?
The little boy hugged him and he hugged the little boy back.
- You're a cute boy, Liberty. Who left you alone at this hour? Oh yeah, i forgot you can't fully speak yet. I saw a nightmare, Liberty. I was at one of the empty towers of the castle, and he found me there, unattended. It's actually not allowed to go there since the rocks are very old and the tower is dangerous because of it. But i like it there anyway cause i need solitude. Yeah, i have my little cottage but I can only use the secret tunnel when no one's watching, and in the palace; everyone is watching me most of the time. It gets a little frustrating, you know.. Anyway, back to the nigtmare; i was at the tower again when he beat me up. Even if he's gun the nightmares are not. He knew i wouldn't tell on him, he knew i was too prideful for it; after all, he was my martial arts teacher and we talked a lot. And that even if i tell on him, no one would believe me cause his reputation was good and i'm just a naughty kid who could lie just to get people he doesn't like in trouble. He'd probably say i got those bruises when i fall down somewhere... or maybe he just didn't thought about getting punished, he was just focusing on the moment, the moment where beating a prince made him felt strong. Bet he didn't cared if the said prince was a child, beating up a prince made him strong regardless; i mean most people can't even dare to attack royalty. I wonder why he attacked me though. I also wonder where he is right now

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