Only In Self Defense

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Rain heard the sound coming from his brother's room and runned there alongside castle stuff and other palace residents. He understood what all the noise was about once he saw three death bodies, two of them being guards.
- I killed their murderer
Rain wasn't judging him this time around.
- He tried to kill me too but i showed him not to mess with the great Randolf
- What!? He tried to kill you too!!?
- Yep...
- I'm so sorry about that...
- Don't be, i'm fine.
- You sure? Are you fine both mentally and physically?
- I'm fine, and stop worrying about me, it's not easy to harm Randolf
- Please promise me you'll only kill in self defense, okay? You're free to execute murderers and rapists too. No more executions except those people. Are we clear?
- You know nothing about how to rule a country! So shut up! We're lucky that i'm the older sibling!
- If you think executing not so guilty people is okay?
- Yeah, in order for people to be fearful to break the law. Plus, we can't just put every criminal into prison, building that much prison would cost you a lot.
- Maybe we should stop talking to each other than!
- Maybe we should!

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