I Missed You Too

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- Hamlin?
- Yeah?
- It's being a while.
- It had, where the heck were you, you son of a gun!?
- I'm reminding you that i'm a prince.
- Fine... son of a king
He said, a little bit annoyed. He gave him a side eye.
- Now answer me, where the hell were you?
- It doesn't concern you.
- I thought we were friends.
- We are.
- Then why don't you tell it to me?
- Cause i don't want to.
- Look, i really care about you and i was worried sick about you all these months, you can't just...
- I can!
- I didn't even finished my sentence!
- It was obvious how it was gonna end!
- Fine, i'm not gonna keep arguing with you.
- You better not.
Hamlin suddenly hugged him as Rain quickly pulled away. He wasn't used to getting hugged.
- What the hell was that?
- Sorry, I just missed you a lot...
Meh felt bad for pulling himself away from the hug and hugged him.
- I missed you too

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