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- Did you heard the news?
A shoemaker that he knew told him. There was a bit black paint on his dark brown pants of the shoemaker but it wasn't that visible
- Which news?
- Prince Randolf will give whoever brings his brother to the castle alive a trillion.
- What!?
- You heard me right. Exciting, isn't it? We can find the prince and get the money!
- Don't rise your hopes
- You're right. I'll still search for him all this weekend though, it's worth a try.
- So you weren't searching for him at all these weeks and you decided to do so just because of the reward?
- Duh, why are you acting so weird about it?
- Did you ever thought maybe he doesn't want to be found?
- A trillion is a trillion. You're acting weird.
- Maybe a bit... sorry, i just... never mind.
- You like the royal family, i know. You told it to me on several occasions.
He said smilingly.
- Not all of them.
- What do you mean?
- Only the crown prince, and the king
- What about Prince Rain?
- Not really...
- Why?
He wanted to say "he's a fricking murderer that's why" but kept his mouth shut. He probably wouldn't The fact that he, Prince Rain, killed someone was not something to be easily believed, even Rain was having hard time believing what he did.
- You wouldn't search for him if it wasn't for the reward.
- I'm not his parent, guardian or babysitter.
- Still...
- Are you up to helping me search for him?
Rain smiled a bit, he found the thought helping someone to search for himself quite funny. Imagined what he'd react if he knew he was prince Rain. But to him, he was Ron, not Rain, and it had to stay that way

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