He Was Just A Kid

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- Now tell me, dear, what happened?
She said in a nonjudgmental tone, she was sure it was self defense or something because she knew her little sweetie pie.
- I was... I was forced to..
- Forced to? Who forced you sweetie?        
She put a hand on his shoulder and gave a fake smile
-Everything is gonna be alright kiddo.
   She gave him another hug
-Now,please tell me who dared to make my little prince to do such a horrible thing!?
  His eyes were still watery but he calmed down a bit. He still didn't felt like telling her the whole thing though.
-Come  on kiddo,you have to tell me, please...
-What if...?
-What if what?
-What if... he hurts me? For being a snitch?
-Whit this many guards surrounding you? You have no reason to be afraid.
-You have a point,but what about when i'm not in the palace?
-You can take some guards with you to be protected.
- I don't want to be guarded all the time,other kids will think i'm weak and needy
- Kids that are worthy to be your friend won't take this way, i promise. What did they do to force you?
- They threatened to kill me if...
He started sobbing even harder. His cheeks and eyes  were red from crying. His nose was running, so she gave a handkerchief to him.
  She knew she was just a little kid who was scared and panicked, and he looked like he was more than regretful enough, so she wasn't mad; not even disappointed.
- Now go wash your face with cold water, it'd help

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