You're Very Happy In This Dungeon, I Preasume.

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- Don't call me gremlin!!
- Shut up!
- I don't think you're in a position to order me around!
- I said SHUT UP!
- You're very happy in this dungeon, i preasume.
- You little j...
- Think about the consequences before you speak! I can save you from here!
- How so?
He asked, he was really doubtful that his annoying little brother can help him escape.
- You are aware that i managed to escape from the castle despite guards several times, right?
- I suppose you have a point. What do you want me to do?
- Promise me you'll help me cover up a crime.
- Covering up a crime? Why?
- Cause... i did something really bad, and i... don't wanna die
- What the hell!?
- I'll explain everything
- I'm listening

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