We're Gonna Be Friends

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- My name is Rain, i'm a prince, and you're my friend.
- What the hell are you talking about, weirdo?
- Just letting you know you're now my friend.
- What!?
- You're my friend now.
- I'm not.
- Are you going against prince's orders?
- You're no prince.
- I am.
- Prove it
He was prepared for what was gonna come. He took out the royal brooch and little crown of his from his bag
- Now do you believe it?
- I didn't stole anything!! Like I told you, i'm the prince!
- Tell it to the marines! Don't worry though, i'll not give you away.
- I DIDN'T stole ANYTHING!! They're mine, i'm a prince!
- Uh huh, definitely(!)
- You're annoying, but you'll still be my friend.

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