Rather Be A Coward

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- No...
- What did you said?
- No, please...
His heart was beating like a drum. He was about to cry. He was having a hard time believing it all. Was it possible for everything to go wrong in just one day? It made his stomach sick to even think that his life could change forever after this. He wanted to escape, his brain was yelling him to escape, his legs were shaking, he just wanted to wake up from that nightmare.
- Please...
He whispered again. There was a bit of hope in his heart. Maybe he could pity him and leave him alone.
- NO! Do what i said!
The small bit of hope instantly disappeared. And he... killed him. Whitout a second thought, whitout even hesitation... He wanted to live with everything he had. There was nothing he couldn't do to stay alive. Despite everything he liked living and he wasn't gonna give up on it that easily. He standed on the corpse and started to cry
- I'm sorry, i'm so so sorry. I know I'm a coward, but i rather be a coward to being dead

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