The Blue Bird

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- Is there anything else you want, your majesty?
Rain looked at the table, the chicken was smelling awesome and the grape juice was looking good too. He wished they allowed him to drink wine, but apparently he was "still too young" to drink it That was unfair, why Randolf get to drink wine while he can't?
He saw a beautiful blue bird from the window, he wanted to hold it and let it for a while.
- Where are you going your majesty? Did we do something to upset you or make you uncomfortable?
Said the guards anxiously. They knew if they upset the little prince, the crown prince would make them pay for it. Rain didn't answered, he just runned towards the garden, to catch that beaitiful bird. He slowed to not to scare the bird when he was coming closer to it, but guards runned towards him and scare the birds
- Would your majesty wants me to escort him?
- Scared what?
- The bird! Never mind, just leave me alone!

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