A Secret Passage

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- I wanna show you somewhere, but it'll stay between us, okay?
Rain said to Hamlin
- A..as long as you wish me to k..keep it secret, you can trust me that it'll stay between us.
- Thank you. Follow me
He walked slowly among the lifeless corridors of castle and lead him to a secret passage he found.
- Look, this tunnel leads to abandoned cottage, use it if you ever want to escape from the castle.
- T...thank you for showing me this, but i don't think i'll e...ever want to leave the castle, i like it in here.
- Trust me, you'll want to escape once you see the true face of the people around here
Come on, don't be afraid
- I...i'm n..not afraid.
- Then why are you hesitating? I promise the tunnel is safe. Fine, it's dark, but it's safe, i promise.
- I just d...don't feel like it.
- Look, it's not that long, plus, i'll be there with you. Come on, i really want to show you that surprise, please!
- I..i'm, i..., i don't know...
He grabbed his hand whitout waiting for a clear answer and dragged him to the tunnel. Hamlin started to shake with fear.
- Relax, just trust me, I have a wonderful surprise waiting for you in the cottage.
- C..can't I g..go to the cottage s..some ot..her way?
- I don't know the exact location of the cottage, all i know is that this tunnel leads to it; again trust me, it'll worth it

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