Let's Move On

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- Look, it was my bad, I accept it. I should had been more careful about the body being buried fastly, i'm sorry that you had to see a bloody corpse.
- It isn't the main problem, i'm not mad at you cause you didn't made him buried right away. I'm mad at you cause you killed someone for no reason!
- Not obeying the crown prince is enough of a reason!
- Let's agree to disagree!
- Fine. But i really want to make things right with you. I don't regret killing home, but I don't want it to affect my relationship with my little brother. You may have a different moral ground then me, but let's move on; please.
- I'm not speaking with a MURDERER!!!
- I didn't simply murder him, i executed him, he more then deserved it.
- Get out of my room if you gonna insist killing him wasn't wrong!
- Okay, i'll, but this conversation will continue later
- Just know that you'll not be able to convince me that what you did wasn't wrong

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