You Messed Up Big This Time

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He was sure he did it right, everything went perfectly according to plan, and he wasn't expecting his brother to suspect him at all. But then his brother took his bag from him
- Hey, it's my bag!
- And it's my crown inside it
Rain quickly said no but the anxiety was quite visible on his face. Randolf took the crown and yelled;
Well, at least he wasn't that mad; he didn't really mind being grounded anyway. He wasn't allowed to go outside the castle even when he wasn't grounded and his favorite part of the castle was his room. Though he liked going to the garden, but he could stand not going to the garden for a few weeks. He wasn't gonna be grounded forever after all.
  He was disappointed himself a bit, he messed up the mission after all. But in his defense, he believed that he did the best he could, but his brother wasn't someone easy to distract.
One of the guards knocked his door
- Someone named Oliver wants to come to your room, your highness.
- Let him in.
Oliver came to the room, a little bit sad and really disappointed.
- You couldn't steal the crown, didn't you?
- How do you know it?
- Everyone in the palace knows you tried to steal the crown.
- What?
- It's the new biggest rumor in the palace, I heard that it's known to even close by villages, not just the palace. You messed up big this time.

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