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Rain screamed as he saw a dead body in the backyard, behind a tree. He runned to castle, he could feel his heart beating in his chest castle and strongly, and the burning sensation in his chest. He was breathing deeply and fastly. When he reached to the castle door, he pushed the guards away with his arm, and runned to his brother's room.
- I saw someone, dead, in the garden!
- You saw?
Randolf did it himself, he assumed his men would bury him faster.
- Well, i executed him
He added.
- You executed him? Why?
- Cause he was being disrespectful to my words. I said him you have to get out of this kingdom and he didn't listen to me. I saw he was still there.
- What?
- He deserved it. Now shut up, i don't want to listen to you anymore.
- Shut up? Are you hearing what you're saying? You KILLED someone, it's a big deal.
- I'm the prince, the crown prince; and my words are orders. Whoever doesn't listens to me deserves to be punished accordingly.
- THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND YOU! You CAN'T kill someone just cause they didn't listened to you!!
- You're wrong, I CAN kill someone just cause they didn't listened to me, I have the right to do that!
- You're a MONSTER!!

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