Out Of Palace

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- Come on, a few more steps, you can't go back now; you almost reached to my surprise!
- Fine...
Every step felt like a torture, he didn't like dark and he also hated tight spaces, but he didn't wanted to make the prince upset; after all, he promised; and he wasn't looking forward to get a punishment for making him sad. He could hear the echo of his own breath, and he could easily hear his heartbeat. He finally saw the light in the end of the tunnel and starting running. Then he smelled some good smells. Soon he reached the little cottage, and saw the banquet.
- Was it the su..su..suprise?
- Yeah, did you like it?
- I l..loved it!
- I told you it'll worth it! I have one more surprise for you.
He opened the chest in the corner of the room and take out two matching scarfs.
- Matching scarfs! One of them is for you and other is for me, it'll be a symbol of our friendship!
- T...thank you!
- Your majesty, I have some bad news for you. Rain is missing again.
- Uh, again? This kid is gonna be the death of me someday! Why does he keep escaping anyway? What's not to like about here? He escaped because of the lessons yesterday, but today he doesn't even have lessons 'till the night! There's people who'd sell their soul just to live in a palace. I just don't get him. I have things to do, so start searching for him, I'll start searching half an hour later if you fail to find him.
- As you wish, your majesty.
- If you find him, tell him to come to my room cause i have something to talk with him.

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