Gremlin And The Little Boy

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The little gremlin was in his room again
- What now, Sea?
He wanted him to get use to his new name, he couldn't call him gremlin forever after all. He liked to annoy him, but he wasn't that cruel even towards him.
- I found a little boy at the palaces garden?
- What?
- You heard me right!
- Well, that must be a kid of palace staff or something!
- Well no one claimed to be his parents!
- What!!? That's... that doesn't make any sense at all
- I know...
- I'll take care of it, go to your room, gremlin
Calling him gremlin was so much fun for him to stop. But who was the kid? He must be from someone that lives in the palace, but... no one claimed him to be their son... What if the poor boy is abondened?

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