Damn You!

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He locked his door, put a blanket and a pillow over his head and started to cry quietly. He was the crown prince, and princes don't cry; but that one wasn't the best example of a strong prince, he felt weaker than ever. His heart was beating like crazy and he felt cold despite the blanket. There was only one important thing to him; and that was his brother. He was so gonna ground him when he came back. When he calmed down a bit, he went to the corridor, and looked at the portrait of his brother. He touched to the portrait, and whispered while tearing up;
- Come back you brat, i promise i won't ground you. Please...
He never thought anyone would be able to make him feel this messed up with their sudden disappearance.
- Damn you!
He whispered
- Damn you for making me worried this much! Damn you!!!!

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