You Only Did It To Protect Yourself

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He was sitting in a barn, it was the only place he could stay whitout freezing to death. He was grateful for even that. They didn't had to allow him to stay in their barn.
  He hugged a dog, a little bigger than a puppy, for comfort cause he wasn't able to sleep. And he cried on his fur, making him worry a bit and bark softly. He petted its had
- Your name was Coal, right? The homeowner told me about you. You have a nice name, fits to your dark fur.
He lied down and tried to sleep again. Coal put his pawn on his head and snuggled beside him.
- I did something really bad Coal...
He said sadly.
- If you could understand me you'd hate me
It barked softly again. He imagined maybe it'd say
- You only did it to protect yourself
If it knew the situation and if it could talk of course.

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